Keyboard Navigation

By default, the keyboard navigation of the PanelBar is enabled.

The PanelBar supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

Up ArrowHighlights the previous item. If no previous item is available, highlights the last one.
Down ArrowHighlights the next item. If no next item is available, highlights the first one.
Left ArrowNon Collapsible Items: Focuses the parent item. Collapsible Items: Collapses the expanded items. Focuses the parent element if the item is collapsed.
Right ArrowExpands the collapsed items. If an item is expanded, focuses its first child node.
HOMEFocuses the first item in the PanelBar without expanding or collapsing an item.
ENDFocuses the last item in the PanelBar without expanding or collapsing an item.
Enter & SpaceExpands/collapses the current item. If child items are available, highlights the first item when expanded.
TabFocuses the PanelBar component.
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