• What is KendoReact
  • Getting Started
  • Server Components
  • Components
    • Animation
    • Barcodes
    • Buttons
    • Chartsupdated
    • Common Utilities
    • Conversational UIupdated
    • Data Gridupdated
    • Data Query
    • Data Tools
    • Date Inputs
    • Date Math
    • Dialogs
    • Drawing
    • Dropdowns
    • Editor
    • Excel Export
    • File Saver
    • Form
    • Gantt
    • Gauges
    • Indicators
    • Inputs
    • Labels
    • Layout
    • ListBoxupdated
    • ListView
    • Map
    • Notification
    • OrgChart
    • PDF Processing
    • PDF Viewer
    • PivotGrid
    • Popup
    • Progress Bars
    • Ripple
    • Schedulerupdated
    • ScrollView
    • Sortable
    • Spreadsheet
    • TaskBoard
    • Tooltips
    • TreeList
    • TreeViewupdated
    • Upload
  • Sample Applications
  • Styling & Themes
  • Common Features
  • Project Setup
  • Knowledge Base
  • Changelog
  • Updates
  • Troubleshooting


The Cards can be arrange in three different built-in layouts inducing List, Group and Deck.

To arrange the Card in a specific layout, wrap the Cards in a container with on of the following classes:

  • Card list - rendering cards detached from one another in a column through the .k-card-list class
  • Card Group - rendering cards attached to one another on a single row through the .k-card-group class
  • Card Deck - rendering cards detached from one another on a single row through the .k-card-deck class

Basic usage

The following example demonstrates how to dynamically change the Cards layout.

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