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Creating a Custom Legend for the Chart


ProductProgress® Kendo UI® for Angular Chart


How can I create a custom legend for the Kendo UI for Angular Chart?


To achieve the desired scenario:

  1. Create your own custom legend layout with the desired styling, icons, text, and so on. For demonstration purposes, this example uses a simple HTML list with SVGIcons and a few custom styles.

    <ul class="legend">
        *ngFor="let item of data; let index = index"
        (click)="toggleSeries(item, index)"
        (mouseenter)="toggleSeriesHighlight(true, item.kind)"
        (mouseleave)="toggleSeriesHighlight(false, item.kind)"
        <kendo-svg-icon [icon]="item.svgIcon" size="small" [style.color]="item.color"></kendo-svg-icon>
        <span class="legend-marker"></span>
        {{ item.kind }}
  2. Toggle the point visibility of the corresponding series in the Chart by handling the click event of the HTML list element.

    public toggleSeries(item: EnergyData, index: number): void {
        this.animateChart = false;
    = !;
  3. Toggle the highlight of the corresponding series in the Chart by handling the mouseenter and mouseleave events of the HTML list element.

    public toggleSeriesHighlight(isHighlighted: boolean, category: string): void {
        this.chart.toggleHighlight(isHighlighted, (p) => p.category === category);

The following example demonstrates the suggested approach.

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