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X-Axis point labels

1 Answer 92 Views
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MacKenzie Mickelsen
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Rank 1
MacKenzie Mickelsen asked on 31 Mar 2010, 10:11 PM
We have a chart that we are trying to create where on the x-axis we have a set of dates and on the y-axis we have a set of monetary values. We have notced that when we get more than 180-ish points that the x-axis turns from dates into integer numbers. We are assuming that this is because of screen realestate issue and you givng us just the points index numbers. I am wondering if there is a way to turn this behavior off. We can handle the clutter with steping and such but we really need to keep it in date format.

Thanks in advance

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Vladimir Milev
Telerik team
answered on 02 Apr 2010, 08:09 AM
Hello MacKenzie Mickelsen,

RadChart supports datetime axis with hundreds of thousand of data points. Check this example.

With that said please check the following:
1) Are you using the ItemsSource property to databind the chart? If not you should...
2) Are you mapping a date time value to the XValue data point member in the series mapping?

If the answer to both questions is yes and you still have issues with this - please send us a small runnable project that we can analyze and fix for you.

All the best,
Vladimir Milev
the Telerik team

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Asked by
MacKenzie Mickelsen
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Vladimir Milev
Telerik team
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