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Wizard with Transition Control

5 Answers 264 Views
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Mike Hanson
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Mike Hanson asked on 01 Apr 2010, 06:58 AM
Could someone help me with implementing a Wizard with the RadTransition control and several UserControls.

Basically we have 5 UserControls that represent the pages of a complex wizard.  At the moment we have a hand coded slide animation that animates the pages in and out, but we have a requirement to support a user choice of animation in the future and the RadTransition control fits perfectly for this.

I have tried following the code in the samples putting our UserControls in a Listbox and binding to the SelectedItem but cannot get this to work.

Our current implementation has all 5 pages added to a Grid column and all but the first one are moved off to the right out of view by setting the X of their TranslateTransform element.  Then as the user clicks on Next or Back code is executed to slide the current page out and the new page in.  I was hoping to be able to replace the content of the grid column with a RadTransition control and have it take responsibility for animating the pages in and out.

We aren't using the Silverlight or Telerik navigation features because we don't want users to be able to navigate to wizard pages using a url and we also had trouble with pages being cached that meant we had to do more state management than was reasonable.

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Telerik team
answered on 05 Apr 2010, 02:53 PM
Hi Mike,

Thank you for contacting us.

Attached you will find a sample project in which it is demonstrated a possible use of the TransitionControl. The thing which is important is that the TransitionControl is used as a ContentControl.
Hope this will help.

Please let us know if you have further questions.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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Mike Hanson
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answered on 28 Apr 2010, 12:48 PM
Thanks for the example Konstantina.  It wasn't quite what I was after as it used the navigation framework, but the tip about it being a ContentControl was what I needed.  With this knowledge I figured out that all I need to do is provide a ControlTemplate for any control that supports a Content property and have the template set this property to an isntance of the TransitionControl.

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answered on 30 Apr 2010, 09:44 PM
Mike, could you please elaborate on your approach a little more - maybe a few sample lines of code?  For us, adding another 74K System.Windows.Controls.Navigation.dll is not an option so trying to avoid the frame approach if possible.

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answered on 16 Jun 2011, 07:56 PM

I am looking for a similar solution. Will you please share?
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answered on 03 May 2014, 10:14 AM
what if I want with RadDataForm... for validation and to work with Domain Service?
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Mike Hanson
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Telerik team
Mike Hanson
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