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Where to handle ShowItemLabels?

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Jeff Kershner
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Jeff Kershner asked on 26 Jul 2010, 04:34 PM
I am handling the RadChart.DataBound event to set the ShotItemlabels to false and the ShowItemToolTips to true, but I am getting a DataSeries = 0 which is causing a crash.

I have a chart declared as a private member in my class:


public class TrafficChart : IDomainsTickerChart 
private RadChart chart = new RadChart(); 
public void Initialize() 
chart.DataBound += new EventHandler<ChartDataBoundEventArgs>(chart_DataBound); 
void chart_DataBound(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.Charting.ChartDataBoundEventArgs e) 
chart.DefaultView.ChartArea.DataSeries[0].Definition.ShowItemLabels = false; 
chart.DefaultView.ChartArea.DataSeries[0].Definition.ShowItemToolTips = true; 



Here DataSeries[0] = null.  Is this how I should set the ShowItemLabels?

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Jeff Kershner
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answered on 26 Jul 2010, 06:46 PM
I see what is happening.  This chart is in a transition control, and the second time it is displayed, it calls the chart_DataBound when no data is available.

My bad!   Please close this thread!  :)
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Jeff Kershner
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Jeff Kershner
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