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Where to Download Controls Samples Only

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Robert asked on 13 Sep 2018, 11:23 AM

I have installed Telerik controls for UWP into Visual Studio using NuGet.  The installation worked fine and I am starting to use the RadDataGrid.  

I have also installed the UI for UWP Demos app from the Microsoft Store and am looking at the examples there.  It is very informative to show what the controls can do.  It shows very good code snippets but doesn't have a complete example for downloading and running on my development environment.

I am looking for a way to download just a complete code sample to run locally.  In my case the DataGrid example right now but perhaps other examples in the future.

I have downloaded the TelerikUIForUniversalWindowsPlatformSetup.exe from the Telerik web site but I am hesitant to install this with concern that it will corrupt my already installed Telerik.UI.for.UniversalWindowsPlatform from NuGet.

Please let me know where I can download a complete RadDataGrid for UWP example so I can run locally.

Thank you.

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Telerik team
answered on 13 Sep 2018, 02:13 PM
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your interest in Telerik UI for UWP.

The UI for UWP Demos app demonstrates a great number of user cases scenarios using Telerik UI for UWP. The Demos source code is located on the following link: UI for UWP Demos. You can clone or download the repo and the DataGrid examples are located in the Examples/Grid.UWP folder. 

Another option is to download the and inside it navigate to the SampleApps folder where the SDKExamples and SalesDashboard examples are located, also if you download the automatic installation Telerik_UI_for_UniversalWindowsPlatform_2018_2_0514_1_Dev.msi, run the MSI file and follow the instructions. The UI for UWP will be installed in the following folder unless you specify otherwise: C:\Program Files\Progress\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\ for a 64bit machine. The examples are located in the SampleApps folder in the installation folder of the controls.

I hope the provided information was helpful.

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answered on 13 Sep 2018, 02:43 PM

Thanks for the links. I did download and extract the files from the UI for UWP Demos link.  Looks like complete files. Haven't gotten it to start just yet but will work on it...

A suggestion might be to have a Download Samples Code link in the UI for UWP Demos app.


Telerik team
answered on 14 Sep 2018, 08:12 AM
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your suggestion about the Download Samples Demo link in the UWP Demos app. We will have this in mind for some of the upcoming releases.

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answered on 17 Sep 2018, 01:23 PM


I have not been able to get the downloaded samples to run. I downloaded from I am using Visual Studio 2017.  Running under Debug and X86 modes. See attached file for errors.

Telerik team
answered on 18 Sep 2018, 10:15 AM
Hi Robert,

Thank you for the provided image.

The errors from the attached image are fixed and you can get the latest changes from the GitHub repo - master branch. In order to see the Demos app - run the QSF.UWP project under Debug and x86 modes

Let me know if you have any other questions.

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answered on 01 Oct 2018, 10:30 AM

I did it, but appears me an error. Can you help me to solved it?

Thank you.


Telerik team
answered on 02 Oct 2018, 06:51 AM
Hi Isabel,

Could you please give us more information about the error you get? It would be really helpful if you can attach a screenshot or send us the stack trace of the error, in this case we could investigate it further.

Looking forward to your reply.

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