What does this Telerik OpenAccess exception message mean? "Telerik.OpenAccess.OpenAccessException: Change operation canceled by user."

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Dominique asked on 27 Nov 2024, 01:45 PM | edited on 29 Nov 2024, 10:58 AM

I'm working on a C# application, having SQL-Server as database technology, and Telerik.OpenAccess as ORM.

Regularly, my customer sees the following `Exception` message:

Telerik.OpenAccess.OpenAccessException: Change operation canceled by user.

In order to investigate what causes this problem, I have restored the backup of the database, together with its transaction logs.

In there I have been looking for `LOP_ABORT_XACT` in the `Operation` column, but I don't find it.

Neither do I find anything in `EXEC xp_readerrorlog;`.

=> It's just as if there aren't any problems.


Edit6: decompiling Telerik OpenAccess DLL
After decompiling Telerik OpenAccess DLL, I have found two instances of Change operation canceled by user:

  1. File "DisconnectedStateManager.cs":
    private ChangeEventArgs FireChanging(
      object pc,
      int field,
      object oldV,
      object newV)
      ChangeEventArgs ev = new ChangeEventArgs(pc, this.cmd.getFieldName(field), oldV, newV, this.state == (short) 4, true);
      return !ev.Cancel ? ev : throw new OpenAccessException("Change operation canceled by user.", true);
  1. File ".../SPI/TrackingImpl.cs":
    /// <summary>Raises the Changing event.</summary>
    /// <remarks>Not intended for application use.</remarks>
    /// <param name="ev">The event to raise.</param>
    public void FireChanging(ChangeEventArgs ev)
      if (this.evChanging == null)
      this.evChanging(this.owner, ev);
      if (ev.Cancel)
        throw new OpenAccessException("Change operation canceled by user.", true);

Does this ring a bell with someone?

What is going on? Why do I get this error message and what can I do about it?

Thanks in advance


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