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Very High CPU

14 Answers 193 Views
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Nick Wood
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Nick Wood asked on 09 Mar 2010, 07:12 AM
Hi All

Related to other posts I am embedding prism modules into CoverFlow Items.

The modules by themselves use next to no CPU. but when placed into CoverFlow, then CPU is at 90% constant when there is no animations occuring at all.

I have attached a screenshot.

What is the most likely cause for this?

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Hristo Borisov
Telerik team
answered on 09 Mar 2010, 12:08 PM
Hi Nick Wood,

One of the likely causes for high CPU usage could be the reflection of your CoverFlow control. You can set the IsReflectionEnabled property to false just to check whether the issue is coming from the reflection itself. Even thought we use a shader effect for the CoverFlow reflection it still uses the CPU instead of the GPU for performing the operations. I hope this will change with the official release of Silverlight 4, but for now Silverlight 4 beta stills uses the CPU for executing shaders.

If this is the main cause for your CPU load, you can tune the reflection properties of the CoverFlow control accordingly. To read how to make the reflection smaller and thus to lessen the CPU usage take a look at my blog post that gives some brief explanation of the reflection properties in CoverFlow.

Please get back to us if there are still any issues with the CoverFlow control. Thank you for contacting us.

Best wishes,
Hristo Borisov
the Telerik team

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Nick Wood
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answered on 09 Mar 2010, 12:37 PM
Hi Hristo

This has reduced the CPU usage substancially. Its now at around 20%

Thankyou very much for your help
Ben Hayat
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answered on 11 Mar 2010, 01:08 AM
Nick, be sure to check none of the elements in your CF has any "effects" like shadow or blur which could also affect the rendering speed and CPU.
Manuel Felício
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answered on 08 Jul 2010, 03:36 PM

We've been struggling with this for a while and after spending a few time investigating we found that our CoverFlow controls use close to 100% CPU when they are inside a RadWindow. When we put them inside a RadPane (in the center document pane host) it uses close to 0% (even with a dropshadoweffect applied in each image).

At first we thought that it was because we had the CoverFlow inside a Border, that was inside a RadDockPanel, that was inside a RadTabControl. But it only happens when it is ultimately inside a RadWindow.

I hope it helps to identify the issue.

We're using the latest internal build (2 of july).

Best regards,

Manuel Felício.
Ben Hayat
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answered on 08 Jul 2010, 03:43 PM
@Manuel, I think the CF is causing the Window to fire the events for refreshing the windows constantly and that's probably the reason for high CPU usage. I might be wrong. Something for the team to look at CF inside of a Window!
Telerik team
answered on 08 Jul 2010, 04:14 PM
Hello Manuel,

I have tested plain RadWindow with RadCoverFlow inside bound to 50 items and there was no constant CPU usage (only when scrolling).
Could you send us sample project where we can reproduce this issue?

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Manuel Felício
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answered on 09 Jul 2010, 10:31 AM
I spent a few hours trying to reproduce the issue in a sample and couldn't do it. It's very wierd.. but the thing is that in my app I have several types of views and some are shown inside RadWindows, other are shown in the main shell inside a RadDocking DocumentHost. When I show CoverFlows in the DocumentHost it always consumes close to 0% CPU but inside a RadWindow it always consumes close to 100%..

If I show all my views inside the DocumentHost, even the ones that I was hosting inside a RadWindow, it has 0% CPU. I don't know if this information helps or not..but I don't have any sample app that reproduces the issue..

It would be nice to know if more people are using CoverFlows inside RadWindows and know what they're experiencing.

I've tested with versions: 

@Ben, you were saying CF could cause the RadWindow to fire refresh events constantly. Can you tell us more about it? Have you experienced that or know a way I could see that happening? That would explain the high cpu usage. Thanks.

Best regards,

Manuel Felício.
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answered on 10 Jan 2011, 10:08 PM

I am facing the same issue of a 100% cpu when having a CoverFlow (even with no items in it) inside a RadWindow. The CF is empty, and is quite the only control inside the RadWindow. Therefore I have no clue how I could possibly fix this.

Has anybody found anything interesting on that issue lately?

Manuel Felício
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answered on 11 Jan 2011, 11:47 AM

So I'm not the only one experiencing this. What version of RadControls are you using? I'm still in the Q2 and I always had this issue.
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answered on 11 Jan 2011, 11:59 AM
I am using Q3.

I'd suggest you check if you have a RadBusyIndicator somewhere in your application as I had one and although it was set as not busy, the progress bar was still running (or so it seems) and this was taking the whole CPU. Removing the BusyIndicator fixed the problem for me.
Manuel Felício
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answered on 13 Jan 2011, 12:57 PM
I'm using the busy indicator from Silverlight Toolkit.

Anyway, are you saying that the problem might be due to the busy indicator being used together with RadCoverFlow or simply due to the busy indicator itself? If so, I disagree because I have tabs in my view and if I go to a tab that doesn't have the RadCoverFlow the CPU goes to 0. When I open a tab with the RadCoverFlow the cpu goes near 100
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answered on 13 Jan 2011, 01:02 PM
In my case it was due to the BusyIndicator alone (because I had the issue on pages without CF). Sounds like your case is different.

I did have a weird behavior on the page that has the CF though, as I could see the CoverFlow always refreshing (it was flashing when enabling the enableRedrawRegion param) but only so long as the BusyIndicator was present on the page.
Telerik team
answered on 13 Jan 2011, 04:46 PM

We are really shooting in the dark here. All our attempts to reproduce the problem failed. We will need more information to reproduce the problem and locate its source. We will greatly appreciate a sample project of yours. It will definitely help us in further pinpointing and resolving the problem.


Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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answered on 02 Jun 2011, 03:38 PM

Same issue here and I can confirm in my case it's progress bar related.

Not 100% cpu but around 20% while the CF is displayed and only when there is content in the CF itself. Using enableRedrawRegion I can see the content is being continuously redrawn. Lowering the max frame rate does alleviate the issue somewhat, but there is still constant CPU usage while on screen.

Having read the post from Nicolas, I removed the progress bar control we had wrapping the entire UI and the issue disappeared. 0% CPU use and no redraws of the CF.

Thanks for posting your findings Nicolas, saved me a big headache.

version: 2010.1.422.1040

Hope this helps.

(Forgot to mention this issue also affected the entire UI when a child radwindow was displayed. The whole UI was redrawn even if the radwindow was only small. Removing the progress bar also solved the problem)
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Nick Wood
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Answers by
Hristo Borisov
Telerik team
Nick Wood
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Ben Hayat
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Manuel Felício
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Telerik team
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Telerik team
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