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user removable column header

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
paul orsillo
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paul orsillo asked on 29 Jul 2010, 10:15 PM
I have a page with a treeview and a gridview. The treeview lists column names that are available to the user for showing grid data. The user can drag the listed column name onto the grid and the that column is included in the grids data rows. The names match the ItemsSource properties so binding handles the inclusion automatically once on ondrop creates the data column with the column name as a header. 

I want the user to be able to remove columns as well - either by selecting the column header and pressing the delete key or by dragging  the column off into space - or at least anyplace other than the grouppanel.

Any ideas on the best way to do either/both?

Thank you.


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Telerik team
answered on 03 Aug 2010, 01:00 PM
Hi paul orsillo,

I have prepared sample project demonstrating how to remove grid columns with dragging out. In the 

Regarding the second question - unfortunately, since we do not have functionality to directly select header (since pressing perform sorting), removing by delete button could be done directly and needs to be based on the current cell postion.

If you have any other questions or issues do not hesitate to contact us.

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paul orsillo
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