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Theme inheritance

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Murray asked on 12 Jan 2012, 09:43 PM

We are using your Expression_Dark theme (customers love it!) and to apply the theme to non-Telerik controls I handle it in ResourceDictionaries like this...

<Style TargetType="TextBox" telerik:StyleManager.BasedOn="Expression_Dark">

This works great, however on certain forms we might want to set specific properties of a TextBox like margins.

        <Style TargetType="TextBox">
            <Setter Property="Margin" Value="5"/>

If we use an inline Usercontrol.Resources declaration, the declaration completely ignores anything set in the ResourceDictionary!

Any idea on how to get both?

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answered on 13 Jan 2012, 02:50 PM
Found the answer.

In your ResourceDictionary.xaml:
Add a Key to what you originally wanted to be global.
<Style TargetType="TextBox" telerik:StyleManager.BasedOn="Expression_Dark"  x:Key="Main">
        <Setter Property="AllowDrop" Value="true"/>
        <Setter Property="IsEnabled" Value="true"/>
        <Setter Property="AcceptsReturn" Value="false"/>
        <Setter Property="TextWrapping" Value="NoWrap"/>
        <Setter Property="IsReadOnly" Value="false"/>

Create an empty global style and base it on the key.
<Style TargetType="TextBox" BasedOn="{StaticResource Main}">

This will still use everything in the keyed style globally.

Then on the page.xaml you want to add additional styles globally to just that page (like Margins) do this:
        <Style TargetType="TextBox" BasedOn="{StaticResource Main}">
            <Setter Property="Margin" Value="80" />

This will give you everything in the ResourceDictionary PLUS stuff declared locally!

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