I am trying to just put a text box for data entry on my screen. I don't need a RichTextBox, or a masked one just normal text ox editor.
I'm using:
As seen in the pic attached the text box does not render. Whats even more annoying is that it is there. If I use 'tab' to where the control should be I can change the Invoice prop on my ViewModel. So the control is there, but not showing.
Also why does the masked and textbox editor function differently? Putting a lost focus event on a masked text editor works as expected where one on a TextBoxEditor does not. A masked text box editor throwing a lost focus event will bind the entered value to the view model then trigger the event. The text box editor throws the lost focus event then binds. Why are controls not universal in their behaviors?
I'm using:
<Controls:Label Margin="6,6,6,6" Content="Invoice:" Grid.Column="4" Grid.Row="0"/> <telerik:TextBoxEditor Margin="6,6,6,6" Grid.Column="5" Grid.Row="0" Text="{Binding Mode=TwoWay, Path=Invoice}" LostFocus="InvoiceChanged" />
As seen in the pic attached the text box does not render. Whats even more annoying is that it is there. If I use 'tab' to where the control should be I can change the Invoice prop on my ViewModel. So the control is there, but not showing.
Also why does the masked and textbox editor function differently? Putting a lost focus event on a masked text editor works as expected where one on a TextBoxEditor does not. A masked text box editor throwing a lost focus event will bind the entered value to the view model then trigger the event. The text box editor throws the lost focus event then binds. Why are controls not universal in their behaviors?