The only supported Report Viewer that would work offline from the list below would be our WPF Report Viewer with an embedded report. The report would be delivered with the application and the engine would be embedded in the application.
This is because all of our web-based report viewers work in a client-server relationship and require the use of either the Telerik Reporting REST Service or a Report Server instance. This means that the Blazor, Angular, React, and HTML5 Report Viewers will need to be online to work.
Additionally, we don't have a supported Xamarin Forms, Flutter, Ionic or React Native Report Viewer which would also need to be used with either the WebView to load a HTML5 file or by Embedding the Reporting Engine. This means that it would not work offline if using the WebView but theoretically embedding the reporting engine could produce an export of a supported Rendering Extension that could be loaded in the application.
Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you for your interest in Telerik Reporting.
Eric R | Senior Technical Support Engineer
Progress Telerik
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My requirement is to render the telerik report template in mobile device itself (offline mode) without any network connection. e.g. Sales application that generate a receipt (which template in .trdx) based on offline sales data. I have no idea how webview can be used here, please advice me. Thank you.
Eric R | Senior Technical Support Engineer
Telerik team
commented on 06 Jul 2021, 02:48 PM
Ultimately, displaying a report through an offline mobile application is not something that we have tested.
Additionally, you are correct, we do not have a report viewer that is available for mobile applications that would support offline mode and a WebView would not work in this scenario.
Furthermore, after testing Embedding the Reporting Engine in a Xamarin Forms application to render a PDF report and email it to the customer, issues from the libgdiplus dependency on various platforms (iOS/Android).
As an alternative option, we include a PdfProcessing control with Xamarin Forms that would work better for this requirement. It is based on the Document Processing Library and I encourage using this instead.