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Telerik Points - Merchandise Wishlist

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Let's talk about telerik (the good and the bad)
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Johnathon Sprouse
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Johnathon Sprouse asked on 02 May 2006, 10:24 PM
I have been hearing a lot of buzz about some Telerik merchandise coming soon. I found this post by Rumen:

Well, telerik points currently can be used towards your next purchase, however this can will change soon. We plan to provide some telerik merchandize which you will be able to purchase with the points (t-shirts, cups, iPods, Xbox's, etc). Hopefully, the interest will be high enough to get the telerik craze going ;)

Sincerely yours,

the telerik team

I am all about iPods and Xbox's. Let's get this Telerik craze going... Does any body know what else may be offered? Also, what kinds of things do you think Telerik could offer for points?

 - Johnathon

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Adrian Brunson
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answered on 03 May 2006, 12:29 PM
I think its great that telerik offers the chance to purchase their products with points you earn for spreading the hype they deserve to get.  I don't know what they will offer, but since they're dealing with tech people I wouldn't mind seeing some electronic toys out there.  The xbox and iPod are a great way to go.  I wouldn't mind seeing the PS3 there, flash drives, stuff like that also.

Regardless, I'll be helping to get the craze going, because I've been able to put some pretty cool features in production with speed.

Let's talk about telerik (the good and the bad)
Asked by
Johnathon Sprouse
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Rank 1
Answers by
Adrian Brunson
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