Hi, sorry i am new to Web Applications and do not know all of the features inside the different versions yet.
I need a help here to estimate if i better should use the Telerik + ASP.Net Core (+ Razor Pages) or older ASP.Net MVC5 version.
I have 2 requirements to solve.
1) creating a generic Grid. ( user should be able to select any tablename from sqlserver schema , and the structure is only known at RT. ) and this should be
shown with CRUD operations on them.( grouping , paging not needed but sorting and filters )
so ok there is an ExpandoObject Class which can give me a Runtime type and i found Telerik Grid could be bound against it but last issue very old 2011 was
that there is a problem with Inserts/Update/Deletes.
2) A Grid with a known model. ( But there are some features needed like grouping, maybe paging, aggregation and CRUD as well sorting and filtering ) .
So from your opinition may it better to choose Telerik Grid with ASP.Net Core ( + Razor) or ASP.Net MVC5
thanks a lot