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SumFunction on calculated column

1 Answer 121 Views
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Justin Lee
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Rank 1
Justin Lee asked on 17 Mar 2011, 05:41 PM
I have a GridView bound to a list of objects.  The grid has 2 columns.  The first is bound to a property called Amount, and is editable.  The second is bound to a property called TotalAllocation and is readonly.  The TotalAllocation column has an aggregate function (sum).

<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Width="95" Header="Amount" 
     DataMemberBinding="{Binding Amount, Mode=TwoWay}" />
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Width="135" Header="Total Allocated" 
     DataMemberBinding="{Binding TotalAllocated, Mode=OneWay}" DataFormatString="{}{0:c}">
          <telerik:SumFunction Caption="Sum: " ResultFormatString="{}{0:c}" 
               SourceField="TotalAllocated" />

The TotalAllocated property is a calculated property that uses the Amount property.  So in the Amount property, I raise propertychanged of both Amount and TotalAllocated.

private Decimal? _Amount = null;
public Decimal? Amount
     get { return _Amount; }
          if (value != _Amount)
               _Amount = value;

public Decimal ? TotalAllocated







          return (_CostPerUnit.HasValue && _Amount.HasValue) ? _CostPerUnit * _Amount : null ;





The TotalAllocated column works correctly : when I update the Amount column, it automatically updates the TotalAllocated column with the calculated value.  But the TotalAllocated Footer (sum function) does not update.  The sum is correct when the grid is first bound, but does NOT update as values update.

Let me know if there is a work around, or if I'm missing something.


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Justin Lee
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Rank 1
answered on 17 Mar 2011, 07:59 PM
Sorry, you can ignore this post.  The sum updates once you select a different row or the grid looses focus.  When I wrote this post, I was working with 1 row in my grid, and was just clicking on a different cell within the row to commit the changes.  (so the sum wasn't updating because I was still in the same row)

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Justin Lee
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Justin Lee
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