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Suggestion: Download Manager

1 Answer 138 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Daniel Plomp
Top achievements
Rank 2
Daniel Plomp asked on 08 Apr 2006, 05:24 AM
Hello telerik,

I have a suggestion wich I hope you will be thinking over:

At this moment I'm working in Kathmandu, Nepal. I tried to download the r.a.d.controls suite Q1 2006, but it failed over and over again. Sometimes the connections are so bad, that the download stops and then I have to start again to download 116MB over a max. 56k internet connection. It takes for hours.

So, if there was like a Download Manager (like the one from Microsoft) then after the connection I could continue download the file I was currently downloading...

Maybe you have other suggestion or you could think about it. I hope to hear a response, so I'll wait for that before trying again. I have to pay for each MB, so it is going to be an expensive download :)


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Vassil Petev
Telerik team
answered on 10 Apr 2006, 09:27 AM
Hello Daniel,

Actually, we support download managers, however you need to make sure that you are logged in your account during the download, otherwise it will not work. Make sure the session is active and try it out. FIY, the session timeout is set to 20 minutes, so you may need to refresh the browser or set the download manager to do so for you.

Let us know if you need further assistance.

the telerik team
Asked by
Daniel Plomp
Top achievements
Rank 2
Answers by
Vassil Petev
Telerik team
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