I've tried (during some testing on a new SL4 application) to export a really big number of data (about 120.000 rows with 15column), and exporting to XLSML I got an OutOfMemoryException, this won't happen when exporting to csv (I think csv row size il lower then an XML row)
I've also read that StringBuilder's OutOfMemoryException is due to the fact that it requires a contigus array of memory.... I know that's also a constructor of StringBuilder that permits to allocate a stringbuild of wanted size.... do you think it's possibile in some way of adding a feature for handle really huge data??
I've tried (during some testing on a new SL4 application) to export a really big number of data (about 120.000 rows with 15column), and exporting to XLSML I got an OutOfMemoryException, this won't happen when exporting to csv (I think csv row size il lower then an XML row)
I've also read that StringBuilder's OutOfMemoryException is due to the fact that it requires a contigus array of memory.... I know that's also a constructor of StringBuilder that permits to allocate a stringbuild of wanted size.... do you think it's possibile in some way of adding a feature for handle really huge data??