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UI for Silverlight Forum
3 answers
I have a stackpanel and in code behind using of RadToolTipService.SetToolTipContent method. When I use a text as second parameter all things are good but using an Object , I have an empty tooltip. RadToolTipService.SetToolTipContent(MyStackPanel,MyObject) hear myobject is a complex stackpanel including textblocks and some nested stackpanel. I found If we set a simple text as the second input we are OK .When we send an object (hear stackpanel) we have an empty tooltip. Is there a bug? or there is a solution for this problem ? -  Telerik version is 2016 r3
Telerik team
 answered on 06 Apr 2017
2 answers
Can you simulate my problem?

It is show wrong tooltip when I set "PolarAreaSeries.PointTemplate" and IsHitTestVisible="True".

Before this week, my Tooltip was hide becouse IsHitTestVisible property was set to False by default Telerik style them.
Now when I set IsHitTestVisible to True show unknow ToolTip. I do not what to see any RadToolTip from telerik.

I want to use standart tool tip. How to remove this tooltip (see attache file) and to show only tooltip in my example, here:

                 <telerik:PolarAreaSeries ItemsSource="{Binding BABACollection}" ValueBinding="Baba1" AngleBinding="Baba2" >                   
                              <!-- Too see my tooltip must set in Grid IsHitVisible to True, but if I set it will apear some unknow tooltip. How to hide it?  -->      
                                <Grid IsHitTestVisible="True">
                                   <TextBlock Text="BR1"  />
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  <!-- ONLY This tooltip what to see  -->                                                
                                        <ToolTip >
                                            <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
                                                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource LabelConverter} , ConverterParameter='Value' }" Foreground="{StaticResource MaxPointIndicatorBrush}" />
                                                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource LabelConverter} , ConverterParameter='Angle' }" Foreground="{StaticResource MaxPointIndicatorBrush}" />
 public class LabelConverter : IValueConverter
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)           
            if (parameter is string && parameter.ToString() == "Angle")
                return String.Format("Angle:{0}", Math.Round((value as PolarDataPoint).Angle, 2) );
            else if (parameter is string && parameter.ToString() == "Value")
                return String.Format("Value:{0}", Math.Round((double)(value as PolarDataPoint).Value, 2));
            return String.Format("Angle:{0}|Value:{1}", Math.Round((value as PolarDataPoint).Angle, 2), Math.Round((double)(value as PolarDataPoint).Value, 2));
        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            throw new NotImplementedException();


Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 23 Feb 2015
5 answers
I have simple RadPolarChart and annotation collection.
I put tooltip, tooltip services but not work at all.
May it is becouse this is dynamic element figure and have diferent point position x,y ?
Or may be problem is becouse of standart .net framewrok behaiviars.

I try to use telerik tooltip behaviar but result is the same.
Here is my example:

<br>        <telerik:RadPolarChart x:Name="Myart"><br><br>            <telerik:RadPolarChart.Behaviors><br>                <telerik:ChartTooltipBehavior TriggerMode="Hold"    /><br>            </telerik:RadPolarChart.Behaviors><br><br>  <telerik:RadPolarChart.Annotations><br> <telerik:PolarCustomAnnotation PolarValue="{Binding Malue}" x:Name="Annotation1"<br>                                               RadialValue="{Binding Opt}"<br> telerik:RadToolTipService.ToolTipContent="Optimum vessel heading (Purple Ellipse)"<br>                               telerik:RadToolTipService.ToolTipContentTemplate="{StaticResource DataTemplateToolTip}"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    <br>                               telerik:RadToolTipService.HorizontalOffset="10"<br>                               telerik:RadToolTipService.VerticalOffset="-10"      >                                          <br>

baba ti
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 answered on 04 Feb 2015
2 answers
I've taken a look at your Tooltip demo (, but I'm not sure how to implement my tooltip image.  What I'm trying to do seems simple enough, hover over some control and display a dynamic image.  Currently, I don't see anything at all when I hover over my grid cell.

Within my DataTemplate I have 2 stack panels.  One will be visible at a time, and one of those has a ToolTipContentTemplate to display an image.  Unfortunately, nothing is visible.   Originally, I had all my ToolTipService code within my TextBlock, but in the attached image, it's currently on the StackPanel.
My image has a relative path to my Silverlight app, and I know that this works. 

It's been a LONG time since I've worked with Silverlight, so I'm not sure what I'm missing...  Hope you can help!

Thank you!
Pavel R. Pavlov
Telerik team
 answered on 19 Dec 2014
3 answers

I have seen that there is a Sticky property in the WPF version of RadToolTip, is there any similar or alternate way to achieve the same with the Silverlight version?

Petar Mladenov
Telerik team
 answered on 28 Nov 2014
1 answer
Is there a way to set the ShowDuration to all tooltips across the application?

Pavel R. Pavlov
Telerik team
 answered on 05 Nov 2014
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