I have a chart developed in asp.net, and now I have to develop the same chart usingTelerik Silverlight RadChar, but I am not sure how to achieve this.
I have attached the required chart screen print. The YAxis points are double type (0.5 step) but instead on actual value I have to show custom label in YAxis is in screen print. I did this in asp.net as below.
asp:Chart ID="deviceStatusChart" runat="server" Width="700px">
<asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" >
<AxisY LineColor="#f2f2f2" IsStartedFromZero="true" Maximum="10" IsLabelAutoFit="false">
<asp:CustomLabel Text="No Data" FromPosition="0" ToPosition=".5" />
<asp:CustomLabel Text="Other/Offline" FromPosition=".5" ToPosition="1.5" />
<asp:CustomLabel Text="Ranging Not Complete" FromPosition="1.5" ToPosition="2.5" />
<asp:CustomLabel Text="Ranging Aborted" FromPosition="2.5" ToPosition="3.5" />
<asp:CustomLabel Text="Ranging Completed" FromPosition="3.5" ToPosition="4.5" />
<asp:CustomLabel Text="DHCP Reply" FromPosition="4.5" ToPosition="5.5" />
<asp:CustomLabel Text="Online" FromPosition="5.5" ToPosition="6.5" />
<asp:CustomLabel Text="Registration Aborted" FromPosition="6.5" ToPosition="7.5" />
<asp:CustomLabel Text="Undefined" FromPosition="7.5" ToPosition="8.5" />
<asp:CustomLabel Text="Baseline Privacy" FromPosition="8.5" ToPosition="9.5" />
<AxisX Title="Date" LineColor="LightGray" IsStartedFromZero="true" IsLabelAutoFit="true">
I want to show custom label in YAxis. Can you please help me on this.