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Setting validation states on cells

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Edward asked on 06 Jun 2014, 07:53 PM
Is it possible to set cells in the radspreadsheet as invalid?
Or to mock this anyway, by setting the cell styles (for e.g. red background or red border)?
And if the latter to lock the style of the cell only so that user cannot change it?



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Telerik team
answered on 11 Jun 2014, 08:36 AM
Hello Edward,

Thank you for contacting us about this issue.

In order to help you achieve this behaviour we have created a demo project, which I hope will cover most of your needs. I am attaching this project so that you can download it.

Let me describe the demo with a few words.
  • The project uses class called DataValidator. An instance of this class listens to CellsPropertyChanged event.
  • When some cells property is changed DataValidator checks whether the cell should be validated (based on the changed property name) and sets either Green or Red background depending on whether the cells content is valid or not.
  • At the MainPage an instance of the DataValidator is used to validate the RadSpreadsheet control.

 I hope this information is helpful! If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us again.

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