I am lost on how to setup the treelistview with regard to lazy loading hierarchial collections. As an example I would like the treelistview("TLV") to be bound to a collection of PhotoAlbums in the viewmodel. Each PhotoAlbum has a Collection<Photo> Photos property, and each Photo has a Collection<Tag> property. I would like to use the TLV to represent this in a hierarchial manner. I am unclear on how to set this up using the ChildTableDefinitions. Moreover, the RowLoaded event does not pass a row that has a clear mechanism of displaying the expander control similar to the treeview and allowing you to catch the expanded event to load the data (similar to TreeView AllowLazyLoading). I only saw a single readonly property for HasHierarchy.
I understand the TLV is not "officially released" so I wasnt able to find any docs on it, however if you could offer a sample app of how to use it in the above scenario, I know it would likely benefit many other besides myself and further encourage adoption.
I understand the TLV is not "officially released" so I wasnt able to find any docs on it, however if you could offer a sample app of how to use it in the above scenario, I know it would likely benefit many other besides myself and further encourage adoption.