I'm saving the SortDescriptors for my RadGridView whenever they are changed. Whenever the user comes back to the grid, it loads the SortDescriptors and re-applies the last sort they had used. It is working fine except for the fact that if I try to set the SortDescriptors before there is any data in the grid, an ArgumentException is thrown. If I wait until the data is in the grid (it takes several seconds for the web service to return the data) then the SortDescriptors are fine.
To test my theory, I tried adding a dummy, blank row of data and then set the SortDescriptors and that worked. So it only seems to be happening if there is no data in the grid at all. Why can't I set my sorting before the data arrives so that it will immediately apply the sort?
To test my theory, I tried adding a dummy, blank row of data and then set the SortDescriptors and that worked. So it only seems to be happening if there is no data in the grid at all. Why can't I set my sorting before the data arrives so that it will immediately apply the sort?