Setting focus over a column in a grid - blazor-telerik

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Gal asked on 04 Sep 2023, 12:11 PM | edited on 04 Sep 2023, 12:13 PM
As the title suggests,
I have certain flow that executes once the user interacts with a form.
So for simplicity lets say user clicked a button and then a dialog is displayed saying "Enter Container Number",
the user entered a container and then a grid ( under the form ) is displaying the selected record (aka container record from a db query)
one of the fields/columns is "booking number" (which is a clickable/typable-input control, thanks to the behavior of blazor/telerik I assume?)..
Eitherway, I want that booking number to be focused ..

<GridColumn Field=@nameof(TpDeliveryContainerCargoData.EntranceDocNumberContainer) Visible="@Grid_EntranceDocNumberContainer_IsVisible" Width="120px" />

So basically as soon as user entered a container and the grid is updated with the record of that particular container, I want to SETFOCUS 
so user doesnt have to press /click anything, and understand that the next thing he/she should be doing is to enter a booking number.

( already solved with JS ), but Im trying to understand if theres a better approach while using telerik functionality ! thanks.

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