I am trying to create a line chart using a list of custom business objects as the data.
The object that im trying to pass is made up as follows.....
class Score {
public Score(Double inScore, DateTime inDate) {
this.score = inScore;
this.date = inDate;
public Double score {get;set;}
public DateTime date{get;set;}
public class chartObject {
public chartUser(String inName, List<Score> inScores) {
this.scores = inScores;
this.name = inName;
public String name{ get; set; }
public List<Score> scores{ get; set; }
How can I get my line graph to generate the data based on passing a chartObject? I just want to show the scores over the date period on the graph but cannot work out how to get the data from the list.
I have tried using the CollectionIndex but with no joy.
Thanks in advance for your help