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Serial replay of requests

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Fiddler Classic
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Jake asked on 24 Feb 2015, 01:05 AM
Hi - I believe I understand how sequential replay works in Fiddler, but what I'm looking for is serial replay.  The case is that I have a single-url API request I'd like to repeat 100 (or 500, etc.) times but not start each request before the previous one's response is complete.  I've found that bulk replay (SHIFT) tends to skew the numbers if I'm testing against a specific server, as it gets busy and slows down requests in later part of bulk initially requests take 100ms, say, but near end of group take many times that number.  This is good to know, but not useful for my purpose in this case.  If there is not a way to do this currently, please make it a feature request.  Thanks!

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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
answered on 24 Feb 2015, 10:10 PM
Hi, Jake--

Cool scenario!

I'll make the "Reissue Sequentially" menu option do this in the next version.

For now, you'll have to use the SendRequestAndWait method from JavaScript.!msg/httpfiddler/3OZQVmQZdR0/gjQEu_0_fPcJ

Eric Lawrence

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Fiddler Classic
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Eric Lawrence
Telerik team
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