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Currently i am facing issue regarding selectedindex of rad Silverlight Combobox.I am using CSPCombox which is nothing but wrapper class of Silverlight Rad Combox,but issue is that when i set selectedIndex=0,its not setting the default value as first element of itemsource.Please give some suggestion to resolve that as soon as possible.
<CSP:CSPComboBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Width="125" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center"
SelectedIndex="0" DisplayMemberPath="Value" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedEventSubscriptionType, Mode=TwoWay}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=EventSubscriptionTypes, Mode=OneWay}"
TabIndex="0" SelectionChanged="AlertType_SelectionChanged" />