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Select all rows in expanded groups

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Daniel asked on 23 Jul 2014, 06:35 PM
How do we select all rows that are in expanded groups?  For example:

1. User drags a column into the Group Panel
2. User clicks the Group Expander on two of the groups, expanding both groups so that the rows are visible
3. User clicks a "Select all Visible" button which selects all the rows in the two visible groups.

How do we implement step #3?

Thanks in advanced!

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answered on 24 Jul 2014, 10:06 AM
Hello Daniel,

In order to fulfill your goal, first you will need to get all expanded rows. This can be achieved by using the ChildrenOfType<T>() extension method on GridView in conjunction with the IsExpanded property  of the group row.

Please keep in mind that RadGridView has a GroupRenderMode property which supports two modes:
1)  "Nested" (the default) - the grouped row is of type GridViewGroupRow.
2)  "Flat"  - the grouped row is of type GroupHeaderRow.

When you get all rows you will need to clear the SelectedItems collection of GridView and then add all the items to it.

private void Button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (this.clubsGrid.GroupCount > 0)
                // GroupRenderMode = "Nested"
                var gridViewGroupRows = this.clubsGrid.ChildrenOfType<GridViewGroupRow>().Where(row => row.IsExpanded);
                if (gridViewGroupRows.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (GridViewGroupRow row in gridViewGroupRows)
                        foreach (Club item in row.Items)
                //// GroupRenderMode = "Flat"
                var groupHeaderRows = this.clubsGrid.ChildrenOfType<GroupHeaderRow>().Where(row => row.IsExpanded);
                if (groupHeaderRows.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (GroupHeaderRow row in groupHeaderRows)
                        foreach (Club item in row.GroupViewModel.Group.Items)

In addition, I set the EnableLostFocusSelectedState and SelectionMode properties of the GridView respectively to "False" and "Multiple".

Also, I attached a sample project that demonstrates the suggested approach. 

I hope this helps.

Boris Penev
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answered on 24 Jul 2014, 05:27 PM
Hi Boris,

Unfortunately, this code does not work when I add more than one column to the Group Panel.  In the sample code that you provided:

1. Drag the Name column to the Group Panel
2. Drag the Est. column to the Group Panel
3. Open the "Arsenal" group and the "1886" subgroup
4. Click the "Select All Visible Rows" button
5. Observe Crash

Here is the exception for when GroupRenderMode = "Nested"

    Unable to cast object of type 'Telerik.Windows.Data.GroupingImpl`2[System.DateTime,GridViewSelectAllRowsInExpanedeGroups.Club]' to type 'GridViewSelectAllRowsInExpanedeGroups.Club'.

Here is the exception for when GroupRenderMode = "Flat"

    Unable to cast object of type 'Telerik.Windows.Data.GroupingImpl`2[System.Int32,GridViewSelectAllRowsInExpanedeGroups.Club]' to type 'GridViewSelectAllRowsInExpanedeGroups.Club'.

While I have you here, this is the first time I've seen the GroupRenderMode property.  I understand the mechanism in the back is different, but does it behave the same from the user's perspective?

Thanks again.
Telerik team
answered on 25 Jul 2014, 10:40 AM
Hello Daniel,

You can easily fix these errors by changing the Club type in the foreach loops to var.

// GroupRenderMode = "Nested"              
    foreach (var item in row.Items)
// GroupRenderMode = "Flat"            
    foreach (var item in row.GroupViewModel.Group.Items)

As for your second question, the GroupRenderMode property changes only the mechanism for generating the containers of the items.

Boris Penev
Check out Telerik Analytics, the service which allows developers to discover app usage patterns, analyze user data, log exceptions, solve problems and profile application performance at run time. Watch the videos and start improving your app based on facts, not hunches.
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answered on 28 Oct 2018, 04:13 PM
How this can be done by Clientside??  I have a check box column in RadGrid. When i click on check all option in header, rows in expanded groups should be selected. I want this in Client side. Is it Possible??
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