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ScheduleView Filtering

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Tarcisis asked on 28 Mar 2011, 12:04 PM

I want to do somenthing like you have in the example - ScheduleView - First Look. I will have several tabs (CustomViewDefinition), and a few of appointments. And when a click in a tab, i want to filter the appointments by the type of the game, ie, by the tab that i selected.

<schedule:RadScheduleView Grid.Row="1"
                                                     AppointmentsSource="{Binding Appointments}"
                                                     Template="{StaticResource RadScheduleViewControlTemplate}"
                                                     Background="{StaticResource ScheduleViewBackground}">

private void FillScheduler()
    ScheduleViewModel cal = new ScheduleViewModel();
    ResourceTypeCollection collectionTypeEncartes = new ResourceTypeCollection();
    ResourceType encartes = new ResourceType("Games");
    radScheduleView.ResourceTypesSource = collectionTypeEncartes;
    radScheduleView.DataContext = new ScheduleViewModel();

public class ScheduleViewModel : ViewModelBase
    private Func<object, bool> groupFilter;
    private ObservableCollection<Etapa> appointments;
    private ObservableCollection<Resource> resources;
    private ObservableCollection<MonthViewDefinition> viewsDefinitions;
    private ObservableCollection<Category> categories;
    public ObservableCollection<Resource> Resources
            return this.resources;
            this.resources = value;
    public ObservableCollection<Etapa> Appointments
            return this.appointments;
            this.appointments = value;
    public ObservableCollection<MonthViewDefinition> ViewsDefinitions
            return this.viewsDefinitions;
            this.viewsDefinitions = value;
    public ObservableCollection<Category> Categories
            return this.categories;
            this.categories = value;
    public ScheduleViewModel()
        //this.viewsDefinitions = this.GenerateViewsEncartes();
        this.categories = this.GenerateCategories();
        //this.resources = this.GenerateResources();
        this.appointments = this.GenerateEvents();
        this.groupFilter = new Func<object, bool>(this.GroupFilterFunc);
    public ObservableCollection<Etapa> GenerateEvents()
        RadScheduleView radScheduleView = new RadScheduleView();
        ObservableCollection<Etapa> result = new ObservableCollection<Etapa>();
        int month = DateTime.Now.Month;
        DateTime mondayDate = CalendarHelper.GetFirstDayOfWeek(DateTime.Today, DayOfWeek.Monday);
        DateTime satDate = CalendarHelper.GetFirstDayOfWeek(DateTime.Today, DayOfWeek.Saturday);
        DateTime lastsundayDate = CalendarHelper.GetEndOfMonth(DateTime.Today);
        Etapa encarte1 = new Etapa();
        encarte1.Subject = "Tennis";
        encarte1.Encarte = "Tennis";
        encarte1.Body = "";
        encarte1.Category = FindCategory(categories, "Validade");
        encarte1.Start = mondayDate.AddHours(11).AddMinutes(15);
        encarte1.End = mondayDate.AddHours(12).AddMinutes(20);
        Resource etapa1 = new Resource();
        etapa1.ResourceName = "Tennis";
        etapa1.ResourceType = "Games";
        Etapa encarte2 = new Etapa();
        encarte2.Encarte = "Football";
        encarte2.Subject = "Football";
        encarte2.Category = FindCategory(categories, "Recebimento");
        encarte2.Body = "";
        encarte2.Start = mondayDate.AddHours(15);
        encarte2.End = mondayDate.AddHours(16).AddMinutes(15);
        Resource etapa2 = new Resource();
        etapa2.ResourceName = "Football";
        etapa2.ResourceType = "Games";
        Etapa encarte3 = new Etapa();
        encarte3.Encarte = "Golf";
        encarte3.Subject = "Golf";
        encarte3.Category = FindCategory(categories, "Recebimento");
        encarte3.Body = "";
        encarte3.Start = mondayDate.AddHours(15);
        encarte3.End = mondayDate.AddHours(16).AddMinutes(15);
        Resource etapa3 = new Resource();
        etapa3.ResourceName = "Golf";
        etapa3.ResourceType = "Games";
        return result;
    #region Generate Views (Encartes)
    public ObservableCollection<EncartesViewDefinition> GenerateViewsEncartes()
        ObservableCollection<EncartesViewDefinition> result = new ObservableCollection<EncartesViewDefinition>();
        EncartesViewDefinition encarte = new EncartesViewDefinition();
        encarte.Title = "Tennis";
        encarte.GroupFilter = GroupFilter;
        ResourceGroupDescription resourceGroupDescription = new ResourceGroupDescription();
        resourceGroupDescription.ResourceType = "Games";
        encarte = new EncartesViewDefinition();
        encarte.GroupFilter = GroupFilter;
        encarte.Title = "Football";
        ResourceGroupDescription resourceGroupDescription2 = new ResourceGroupDescription();
        resourceGroupDescription2.ResourceType = "Games";
        encarte = new EncartesViewDefinition();
        encarte.Title = "Golf";
        encarte.GroupFilter = GroupFilter;
        ResourceGroupDescription resourceGroupDescription3 = new ResourceGroupDescription();
        resourceGroupDescription3.ResourceType = "Games";
        return result;
    #region Resources
    public ResourceCollection GenerateResources()
        ResourceCollection result = new ResourceCollection();
        Resource encarte1 = new Resource("Tennis");
        Resource encarte2 = new Resource("Football");
        Resource encarte3 = new Resource("Golf");
        return result;
    #region Categories
    public ObservableCollection<Category> GenerateCategories()
        ObservableCollection<Category> result = new ObservableCollection<Category>();
        Category category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Envio da Lista";
        category.CategoryName = "EnvioLista";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#FF417542");
        category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Conferência";
        category.CategoryName = "Conferência";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#FF0465B3");
        category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Sessão de Fotos";
        category.CategoryName = "Sessão";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#FF973FA8");
        category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Diagramação/Tratamento Fotos";
        category.CategoryName = "Diagramação";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#FFE69E07");
        category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Conferência - Bureau";
        category.CategoryName = "ConferênciaBureau";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#FFE74220");
        category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Conferência - Comercial";
        category.CategoryName = "ConferênciaComercial";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#FFBD0037");
        category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Validação - Comercial";
        category.CategoryName = "ValidaçãoComercial";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#1FEF08");
        category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Fechamento de Arquivos";
        category.CategoryName = "FechamentoArquivos";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#56D1EF");
        category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Recebimento nas Lojas";
        category.CategoryName = "Recebimento";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#E0F80C");
        category = new Category();
        category.DisplayName = "Validade do Material";
        category.CategoryName = "Validade";
        category.CategoryBrush = GetBrushFromHexString("#FC03DB");
        return result;
    #region Get Color From Hex
    public static SolidColorBrush GetBrushFromHexString(string aarrggbb)
        String xamlString = "<Canvas xmlns=\"\" Background=\"" + aarrggbb + "\"/>";
        Canvas c = (Canvas)System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Load(xamlString);
        return (SolidColorBrush)c.Background;
    #region Find Category
    private Category FindCategory(ObservableCollection<Category> all, string name)
        Category selected = new Category();
        foreach (Category current in all)
            if (current.CategoryName.Equals(name))
                selected = current;
        return selected;
    public Func<object, bool> GroupFilter
            return this.groupFilter;
        private set
            this.groupFilter = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.GroupFilter);
    private void UpdateGroupFilter()
        this.GroupFilter = new Func<object, bool>(this.GroupFilterFunc);
    private List<string> teste { get; set; }
    private bool GroupFilterFunc(object groupName)
        IResource resource = groupName as IResource;
        //The doubt is here!! In this function.....(next line doesn´t work)
        return resource == null ? true : resource.ResourceName =="";
    private bool Filter(string resourceName)
        bool filter = false;
        foreach (Etapa etapa in this.appointments) {
            if (etapa.Encarte == resourceName) filter=true;
        return filter;

public class EncartesViewDefinition : CustomViewDefinition
    public EncartesViewDefinition()
        this.StretchGroupHeaders = true;
        this.VisibleDays = 7;
        this.LargeChangeInterval = DateTimeInterval.FromDays(7);
        this.GroupHeaderDateStringFormat = "{0:dd dddd}";
        this.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
    protected override string FormatVisibleRangeText(System.IFormatProvider formatInfo, System.DateTime rangeStart, System.DateTime rangeEnd, System.DateTime currentDate)
        string format = rangeStart.Year == rangeEnd.Year ?
                        (rangeStart.Month == rangeEnd.Month ?
                        "{0:d } - {1:d MMMM yyyy}" :
                        "{0:d MMMM} - {1:d MMMM yyyy}") :
                        "{0:d MMMM yyyy} - {1:d MMMM yyyy}";
        return string.Format(formatInfo, format, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
    protected override DateTime GetVisibleRangeStart(DateTime currentDate, CultureInfo culture, DayOfWeek? firstDayOfWeek)
        if (culture == null)
            culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
        DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek ?? culture.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek;
        return CalendarHelper.GetFirstDayOfWeek(currentDate, dayOfWeek);
    protected override DateTime GetVisibleRangeEnd(DateTime currentDate, CultureInfo culture, DayOfWeek? firstDayOfWeek)
        if (culture == null)
            culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
        DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek ?? culture.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek;
        if (this.DayEndTime > this.DayStartTime)
            return CalendarHelper.GetFirstDayOfWeek(currentDate, dayOfWeek).AddDays(this.VisibleDays - 1).Add(this.DayEndTime);
        return CalendarHelper.GetFirstDayOfWeek(currentDate, dayOfWeek).AddDays(this.VisibleDays).Add(this.DayEndTime);

public class Etapa : Appointment
    private string encarte;
    public string Encarte
            return this.Storage<Etapa>().encarte;
            var storage = this.Storage<Etapa>();
            if (storage.encarte != value)
                storage.encarte = value;
                this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.encarte);
    public override IAppointment Copy()
        IAppointment appointment = new Etapa();
        return appointment;
    public override void CopyFrom(IAppointment other)
        Etapa appointment = other as Etapa;
        if (appointment != null)

My doubt is in function :  private bool GroupFilterFunc(object groupName)!!
How do i apply the filter!!


8 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Telerik team
answered on 31 Mar 2011, 02:59 PM
Hello Tarcisis,

You should create a different GroupFilter for every ViewDefinition. I've attached a simple project based on your code to demonstrate the approach, please download it and examine it.

the Telerik team
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answered on 04 Apr 2011, 02:03 PM
Thanks for the answer!

You created distinct GroupFilter for each view.
How can i build that GroupFilters dynamically instead of create  private Func<object, bool> for each one?!? (Supose that comming from a DB)
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answered on 04 Apr 2011, 05:52 PM
For example,

The types of games are coming from DB, so, i can´t create that filters "Hardcoded" , i need to create them in runtime.
Do you have any ideia?

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answered on 05 Apr 2011, 10:40 AM
That´s why i used only one function...

        private bool GroupFilterFunc(object groupName)

            IResource resource = groupName as IResource;
            return resource == null ? true : resource.ResourceName == **************;


the "**************" means that here i want to know in which CustomViewDefinition did I click.

Telerik team
answered on 07 Apr 2011, 03:39 PM
Hello Tarcisis,

You're right that having different GroupFilter functions is not the best solution.  The other option I can suggest is to use an additional parameter in GroupFilterFunc for the different views. I've attached the modified project to demonstrate the approach. Please download it and give it a try.

All the best,
the Telerik team
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answered on 07 Apr 2011, 04:05 PM
That´s it!!
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answered on 07 Apr 2011, 06:38 PM
Hi again,

One last question!
It is possible to use MonthViewDefinition instead of CustomViewDefinition??
I need to use the MonthViewDefinition , but with this kind of view i can´t add GroupDescriptions, and so it doesn´t filter!

Telerik team
answered on 08 Apr 2011, 08:47 AM
Hello Tarcisis,

I suggest to set the GroupDescriptions to the ScheduleView, in this way you can use MonthViewDefinition with GroupFilter without a problem.

 You can find the modified project attached.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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