I have a Datagrid and on double click on an row a detail view for this row is loaded. And when clicking the back button the datagrid view is loaded again. The Viewmodel behind the datagrid is a singleton, so the data is still there.
Now what I want is to preserve the filters of the grid so that a user can set a filter, double click an entry, click the back button and has the filter still set and the data still filtered.
Its a bit tricky but i can do that with Text- and DateTimeFilters by saving the Datagrids Filterdescriptors in the Viewmodel in the OnNavigatedFrom event and setting a cloned version of them in the OnNavigatedTo Event.
But I see no possibility for DistinctValueFilterDescriptors because the actual Data is set in the filter.
Is there a better way to save and load the filter state of a grid?