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Request for Treelistview features

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Eric Sommer
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Eric Sommer asked on 20 Nov 2009, 02:52 AM


Hi there, I'm the former CEO and chief designer for ADM, a desktop program which includes a very powerful outliner with columns - aka treelistivew.  I'm impressed by the start you have made in producing a  treelistview for RIA/Silverlight view..  Your current demo, however,  does not include the following standard or semi-standard funcrtions found in outliners and your own treeview componet.   These features, including word wrap and ability to move the topics/cells in the outline, are esential in any serious outliner or treelist.  Are there features nevertheless available in the treelistview component?   If you have them, we are very interersted in using it. 

Please advise!

1. Ability to add, edit, and delete cells at any point in the outline.  Ability to add a cell at any hierarchial level and at any place in the outline - and not just at the beginning or end of the outline - is crucial.

2. Automatic Text wrap in topics/cells for multi-line data entry.

3. Ability to apply basic text formatting - such as fonts, bold, italics, and colours - to any character or word in a topic in the outline.

4. Ability for user to add links to webpages, other cells, etc. to any topic/cell.

5. Drag and drop and move and copy and paste for cells. (child levels should automatically move or copy when copying or moving a parent cell.

6. Pivot table capability as found in the 'drag a column hearder here and drop it to group by that title' function in your grid.

7. In general, the function found in standard outliners and in your treeview component need to be added.

 Thanks! Eric

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Telerik team
answered on 25 Nov 2009, 04:10 PM
Hi Eric Sommer,

Thank you for your feedback on the TreeListView!

In almost all my replies concerning the TreeList, I mention that currently the TreeList is a CTP version and it is missing some of its final features. Feedback like yours is very important for us because we have the chance to update our plans if needed.

At this point I will not recommend using the TreeList in a production environment, in my opinion it is not yet ready for it.

Here are my comments on the points you mention:

1. Ability to add, edit, and delete cells at any point in the outline.  Ability to add a cell at any hierarchial level and at any place in the outline - and not just at the beginning or end of the outline - is crucial

Even now it is possible to add columns and rows programmatically, at any level of the column or row hierarchy. Currently we are not planning to add a built-in user interface to allow this for the first version 1. I.e. any menus or other UI elements need to be custom implemented. Since the cells of the TreeListView are editable it may be enough to adding a new item or column to the right collection and put it in edit mode.

2. Automatic Text wrap in topics/cells for multi-line data entry.

Yes, this is possible now. The TextBlocks or TextBoxes that are placed in the cell templates need to have their TextWrapping property set to"Wrap"

3. Ability to apply basic text formatting - such as fonts, bold, italics, and colours - to any character or word in a topic in the outline.

Rich text editing is not supported in Silverlight 3, but it is in Silverlight 4 (Silverlight 4 is expected in first half of 2010). We have not yet extensively tested the RichTextArea control in Silverlight 4 and I cannot comment whether its performance will be good enough to use it in every cell. I expect that it will be possible to use it in where needed though.

4. Ability for user to add links to webpages, other cells, etc. to any topic/cell

Again, this will depend on the RichTextArea or a similar control. We do not plan to add built-in rich text editing, but this should be possible using the Silverlight 4 control. Adding links to other cells is not in our plans for the first version. Since the hyperlink button more or less a standard button this should be straightforward to implement in an application.

5. Drag and drop and move and copy and paste for cells. (child levels should automatically move or copy when copying or moving a parent cell.

Currently the TreeList supports drag-drop on an item level. Out of the box items can be rearranged in the hierarchy. We have not planned drag-drop at cell level for the first version. It can be implemented even now using the RadDragDropManager, but it is not built-in.

6. Pivot table capability as found in the 'drag a column hearder here and drop it to group by that title' function in your grid.

Grouping was actually part of the prototype for the control and it may certainly be part of the final version. We would like to differentiate the TreeList and GridView controls, so that they will offer enough unique features. I cannot say with certainty whether grouping will make it into the first version, but certainly it is in our plans.

7. In general, the function found in standard outliners and in your treeview component need to be added.

The TreeListView actually inherits the TreeView and it can be treated as such. All examples that are available for the TreeView will work for the TreeListView as well. We decided to use the TreeView as a base to lower learning curve for the TreeListView and easily provide all its features.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with more feedback about our controls.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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Eric Sommer
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answered on 10 Jan 2010, 03:59 AM
Hi Miroslav, Can you tell me what progress has been made on the treelistview component?  We are eagerly awaiting further news on this item?  Thanks, Eric
Telerik team
answered on 11 Jan 2010, 09:07 AM
Hi Eric Sommer,

Thanks to a feedback like yours, we decided that it will be better if we base the TreeList implementation on the RadGridView. This way you will get all the features from the RadGridView into the RadTreeListView.

Unfortunately there is and a drawback from this decision - the control will appear officialy not earlier than Q2.2010 till we do all the required plumbing and there will be some breaking changes to the API compared with the current CTP.

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Mathieu Estratat
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answered on 27 May 2010, 12:34 PM
Do you have any news about this component ?
The RadTreeListView behavior corresponds straightforwardly to what we need, so we are looking forward to the final release of this component.
Telerik team
answered on 28 May 2010, 02:38 PM
Hi Mathieu Estratat,

Yes, the updated TreeList will be part of the coming Q2 release and the beta in the second week of June.

It is going to support a lot of the GridView's customizations like frozen columns, autogenerated columns, editing, etc. From the data features it is going to have hierarchical sorting and hierarchical filtering.

Some of the things not available in the beta will be built-in DragDrop & LoadOnDemand.

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Eric Sommer
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Telerik team
Eric Sommer
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Telerik team
Mathieu Estratat
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