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remove Gridview columns headers

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kumar p
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Rank 1
kumar p asked on 26 May 2010, 10:55 AM
hi ,
 i am using  2 datagrid once  i  click the  button in datagrid1  i need  to  show  2 gridviewwhich is placed inside the  1  gridview
// here i am placing my second GridView
 here i need  to  remove the second   GridView columns  headers( i want only  first data grid  headers  to be visiable). 
 not the  second data grid headers
by default i see  some  a  message telling
 drag a  column  header and  drop it here to  group  by that  column



 any  solution on this  would be  great

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Telerik team
answered on 26 May 2010, 12:08 PM

Have you tried to set ShowColumnHeaders to False? If you want to hide group panel you can use ShowGroupPanel property.

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kumar p
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