RadSpreadStreamProcessing worksheetImporter.Rows only ever reads first row

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Cori asked on 10 May 2023, 08:32 PM
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                    using (var workBookImporter = SpreadImporter.CreateWorkbookImporter(SpreadDocumentFormat.Xlsx, memoryStream))
                        foreach (var worksheetImporter in workBookImporter.WorksheetImporters)
                            int rowCounter = 0;
                            foreach (var rowImporter in worksheetImporter.Rows)
                                if (rowCounter < skipHeaderRows)
                                var county = rowImporter.Cells.ElementAt(6).Value;
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                    using (var workBookImporter = SpreadImporter.CreateWorkbookImporter(SpreadDocumentFormat.Xlsx, memoryStream))
                        foreach (var worksheetImporter in workBookImporter.WorksheetImporters)
                            int rowCounter = 0;
                            foreach (var rowImporter in worksheetImporter.Rows)
                                if (rowCounter < skipHeaderRows)
                                var county = rowImporter.Cells.ElementAt(6).Value;

worksheetImporter.Rows only ever contains the first row of the spreadsheet. I tried downloading the same bytes to a file, and the other rows are there.  Is there an issue with the library?  I used this a couple weeks ago and it worked fine, but now it's broken.

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answered on 11 May 2023, 06:24 AM

Hello Cori,

It seems that this is a known issue with the library. The issue is already logged on our feedback portal. You can track its progress, subscribe to status changes, and add your comment here: SpreadStreamProcessing: Iterating through the rows without reading the cells is not skipping the rows

As a workaround, I would suggest iterating through the cells of each row, whether you will use them or not. Just use an empty for-each like this:

foreach (var ci in ri.Cells)

I hope this helps. Should you have any other questions do not hesitate to ask.

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commented on 11 May 2023, 02:10 PM

Yes that worked, thank you!
Also FYI for anyone else, using rowImporter.RowIndex and cellImporter.ColumnIndex works better than using a manual counter like I had above, because the importers skip empty cells.
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