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RadFluidContentControl normal state

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prabhat asked on 07 May 2010, 02:11 PM

I am using RadFluidContentControl  in RadTileView ( height = 520, width =965) , and  need to show 7 radtileviewItems in it . Also, the values of threshholds (for each  radtileviewItems )  are-  

            SmallToNormalThreshold="291, 130"
            NormalToSmallThreshold="292, 131"
            NormalToLargeThreshold="730, 350"
            LargeToNormalThreshold="731, 351">.

All functionalities are working fine  for each TileViewItem means "small content (template)  is shown in the small state", "large content is shown in the large state",  but problem is small content is shown in the NORMAL state. of TileViewItem I think there is some problem in the Threshhold values so please tell me appropriate Threshhold  values in this scenerio. Also I need to increate the height of one TileViewItem  in normal state.  THANKS.


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Telerik team
answered on 07 May 2010, 04:02 PM
Hello Prabhat,

Thank you for contacting us.

Could you initialize the Treshold Sizes according the Fluid Content Control article. In this article we are suggesting with same threshold values, for example:
SmallToNormalThreshold(291px X 130px) - . . .
NormalToSmallThreshold(291px X 130px) - good advice is to set it to the same size as the SmallToNormalThreshold in order to avoid ambiguous situations in which there is a range of values that remains between the two adjacent thresholds (which results in a cycle). This threshold is used when the normal content is visible and the available space is decreasing. Thus, setting the threshold to a value equal to the size of the normal content, will hide the normal content as soon as the available size is not enough to properly render the normal content.
Please follow the instructions and if the problem still exists you can send your project to us in order to investigate the issue.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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answered on 10 May 2010, 12:43 PM
Thanks for ur reply , I prefer to use "Manual" property of  RadFluidContentControl . But I am unable to get the solution of second problem i.e. I need to increase the height of particular TileViewItem in normal state like in . In this eg. you see that in the normal state the first tileView item (showing Dr's image and name) comes in two rows and one column and all other items comes in one row and one column. I need to implement the same functionality. Thanks again !
Telerik team
answered on 13 May 2010, 09:56 AM
Hi prabhat,

You can not accomplish exactly the same functionality with our TileView as in the sample that you provided.
However please find attached a sample project that demonstrates how to have similar behavior. In order to see the effect click on the Maximized item header and it will re size its content.In this way you can customize the behavior of RadTileView. You can also add some custom button in the header,control the max rows/columns count with MaxColumns/MaxRows and etc.
I hope that this will help you.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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answered on 17 May 2010, 12:41 PM
Hi Bobi,

               Thanks for reply ! But is there any other workaround of this problem because the sample you attached is only workable in the minimized (or small) state of tileviewitem. But  I need to increase the Height of particular tileviewitem only in the case of  NORMAL state of all tileview items. If it is possible then please provide me the samle for same.


Telerik team
answered on 20 May 2010, 07:17 AM
Hello prabhat,

Unfortunately this is the only workaround we could provide. Currently the UI structure of RadTileView is designed in such way that all the items in the Normal state are measured with the same size. So if you want to have a particular item with different size you can use one maximized item (the wrest of the items are in minimized state).

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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