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RadDataPager and IPagedCollectionView

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Kakone asked on 06 May 2010, 09:38 AM

I have a ViewModel class that implements IPagedCollectionView interface. The source property of RadDataPager is set to this ViewModel. But it doesn't work. If my ViewModel class implements also the IEnumerable interface, it works and I don't understand why. What is the explanation ?

My ViewModel class is something like that :
public class ListViewModel<TEntity> : IPagedCollectionView  
  public IEnumerable<TEntity> List  
  #region IPagedCollectionView Methods  

The source property of RadDataPager is set to this ViewModel and the ItemSource property of the RadDataGridView is binding to the List property of this ViewModel.
It works when I implements also IEnumerable interface like this :
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
  IEnumerable enumerable = List as IEnumerable; 
  return (enumerable == null ? null : enumerable.GetEnumerator()); 

Why RadDataPager needs IEnumerable interface ?


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Pavel Pavlov
Telerik team
answered on 10 May 2010, 01:21 PM
Hello Stéphane Mitermite,

Can you please paste me the whole implementation of your ViewModel. I will try to resemble the problem here , and provide you further assistance.

Best wishes,
Pavel Pavlov
the Telerik team

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answered on 10 May 2010, 04:24 PM

this is the whole implementation of my ViewModel class. The source property of the RadDataPager is set to this ViewModel and the ItemsSource property of the GridView is set to the List property of this ViewModel (I disable filtering and grouping).

    public class ListViewModelBase<TEntity> : ViewModelBase, IPagedCollectionView 
        where TEntity : Entity 
        #region Events 
        public event EventHandler<EventArgs> PageChanged; 
        public event EventHandler<PageChangingEventArgs> PageChanging; 
        #region Constructor 
        public ListViewModelBase(IBusinessRepository<TEntity> repository) 
            Repository = repository; 
        #region Properties 
        protected IBusinessRepository<TEntity> Repository 
            private set
        private CollectionViewSource _source; 
        private CollectionViewSource Source 
                if (_source == null
                    _source = new CollectionViewSource(); 
                return _source; 
        public ICollectionView List 
            get { return Source.View; } 
        int _pageSize = 25; 
        public int PageSize 
            get { return _pageSize; } 
                if (_pageSize != value) 
                    _pageSize = value; 
        public bool CanChangePage 
            get { return true; } 
        bool _isPageChanging; 
        public bool IsPageChanging 
            get { return _isPageChanging; } 
            private set 
                if (_isPageChanging != value) 
                    _isPageChanging = value; 
        public int ItemCount 
            get { return TotalItemCount; } 
        int _pageIndex = 0; 
        public int PageIndex 
            get { return _pageIndex; } 
                if (value < 0) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); 
        int _totalItemCount; 
        public int TotalItemCount 
            get { return _totalItemCount; } 
                if (_totalItemCount != value) 
                    _totalItemCount = value; 
        #region Methods 
     public bool MoveToFirstPage() 
            return MoveToPage(0); 
        public bool MoveToLastPage() 
            return MoveToPage(TotalItemCount / PageSize); 
        public bool MoveToPreviousPage() 
            return MoveToPage(PageIndex - 1); 
        public bool MoveToNextPage() 
            return MoveToPage(PageIndex + 1); 
        public bool MoveToPage(int index) 
            if (index == PageIndex || index < 0) 
                return false
            IsPageChanging = true
                PageChangingEventArgs args = new PageChangingEventArgs(index); 
                if (PageChanging != null
                    PageChanging(this, args); 
                if (!args.Cancel) 
                    _pageIndex = index; 
                    if (PageChanged != null
                        PageChanging(this, EventArgs.Empty); 
                    return true
                return false
                IsPageChanging = false
        public virtual void LoadData() 
            IsBusy = true
            var source = Source; 
            var collectionView = source.View; 
            if (collectionView != null
                collectionView.CollectionChanged -= CollectionChanged; 
            Repository.Load(PageIndex, PageSize,  
                collectionView == null ? null : collectionView.SortDescriptions.ToDynamicLinq(), 
                result => 
                    if (result.Exception != null
                        IsBusy = false
                        TotalItemCount = result.TotalItemCount; 
                        source.Source = result.Result; 
                        collectionView = source.View; 
                        if (collectionView != null
                            collectionView.CollectionChanged += CollectionChanged; 
                        IsBusy = false
        private void CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) 

Pavel Pavlov
Telerik team
answered on 14 May 2010, 02:51 PM
Hello Stéphane ,

I am afraid you can not avoid using IEnumerable as a source property for the RadDataPager.  As you may know the MS DataPager for Silverlight also has the Source property of type IEnumerable and we are trying to keep consistent with MS.

I am not sure if this is applicable to your scenario, but  just an idea - you may avoid using the ViewModel to do the paging logic and leave RadDataPager to do that for you.
You may feed it with the data to be paged via the RadDataPager.Source property and get the paged data from the RadDataPager.PagedSource property as described in this blog post
please see the  III. 2. Binding to RadDataPager.PagedSource  section.

Kind regards,
Pavel Pavlov
the Telerik team

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Pavel Pavlov
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