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RadCube Scaling & Resizing - RC0

5 Answers 94 Views
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Vincent asked on 14 Oct 2008, 02:34 PM
When resizing the cube in code the default behavior of the cube is to scale the content of each panel to the new size.  There needs to be a way to turn off this behavior to allow the content not to be distorted by scaling.  This would be useful when using the cube as a canvas for ui forms.  There is also a bug with the resizing of the cube via code.  When the cube is resized XWidth, YWidth, ZWidth  it resets to its default side loosing its current selected index.

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Telerik team
answered on 16 Oct 2008, 01:08 PM
Hello Vincent,

Thank you for your suggestion. We are not planning any updates to the RadCube until we implement our own animation framework where to use the cube as an transition.

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Jedy Slon
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answered on 30 May 2010, 10:55 AM
I'm using Telerik Controls for Silverlight Q1 2010 and the problem is
"When the cube is resized XWidth, YWidth, ZWidth  it resets to its default side loosing its current selected index." as it was on Oct 14, 2008.

Is there any solution against this bug?
Telerik team
answered on 02 Jun 2010, 02:40 PM
Hello Jedy Slon,

We would advice you to use our TransitionControl if possible.

Please take a look at the TransitionControl demo and let us know if it would fit your scenario -

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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Jedy Slon
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answered on 11 Jun 2010, 10:35 AM
Thanks for your assistance. But i can't understand how to apply transition control upon my scenario.
Could you follow to my test page please.

A test scenario is:
- set the selected side to 1,2,4,5,6 by pressing top (refresh symbol) button
- begin scaling the cube by pressing + or - buttons

The bug is that selected side changes to 3 automatically before start scaling.

Thank you.

Tina Stancheva
Telerik team
answered on 16 Jun 2010, 02:42 PM
Hi Jedy Slon,

We are not aware of such an issue. Can you please send us a sample code reproducing the issue? If you can send us the ZoomIn/ZoomOut custom logic that is applied to the Cube, we will be able to further investigate the issue and what is causing it.

Thank you in advance.

Best wishes,
Tina Stancheva
the Telerik team

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Telerik team
Jedy Slon
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Telerik team
Tina Stancheva
Telerik team
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