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Q1 2006 "HotFix" breaks the example Site

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George asked on 05 Jun 2006, 01:58 AM
Can someone tell me how I can trust this hotfix, when installing it to the example site that Telerik installs breaks when you apply the update?

I've applied it to my applications, and it works, but I worry that when a change that Telerik makes, BREAKS something THEY created...  the little developer in the back of my head worries something else is wrong.

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Vassil Petev
Telerik team
answered on 05 Jun 2006, 12:41 PM

Hi Kuba,

Thank you for your feedback.

It seems that you have applied the r.a.d.controls Q1 SP2 hotfix over the r.a.d.controls Q4 examples. Although we have never done this to test what is going to break, this procedure will error out, because:

  1. some versions of the controls are not backwards compatible, as described in the "Changes and backwards compatibility" sections in the documentation
  2. some of the examples have been moved, changed, removed or enhanced which will also lead to errors.
  3. The Q4 QSF examples have been precompiled with the Q4 Rad[Control] versions. If you apply the new hotfixes over the old examples, the [Control]Examples.dll will not match the new versions and an error will be thrown.

The HOTFIX files (aka "DLL and Scripts only" files) are a bare-bones upgrade option for our controls - they contain only those files that you need to replace in your project to upgrade to the new version of a telerik control. If you are already using a telerik product, there is no need to download the complete suite - download the DLL and scripts only version and follow the instructions for applying the hotfix (see below). If you are installing a telerik product for the first time, we recommend that you download the complete package - the exe or zip file.

Please, let me know if I am missing something.

Sincerely yours,

the telerik team
Vassil Petev
Telerik team
answered on 05 Jun 2006, 01:06 PM

I reviewed your account again in order to pinpoint the problem more closely. Is it possible that you talk about the DNN sample site, rather than the QSF examples? If so, I will very much appreciate if you share the steps you have done and the error(s) you receive in order to help you out.

the telerik team
Let's talk about telerik (the good and the bad)
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Vassil Petev
Telerik team
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