Value 0-2
Value 2-4
Value 4-6
Value 6-8
Value 8-10
Value 10+
I looked at the following article:
It requires that I reset the ItemsSource. To do this, I have a custom function (passing ItemsSource, SortPropertyName, and NewSortingState) which grabs the first number it can find inside the property value and sorts accordingly. It took me a long time to write a custom function that would sort either regular strings or string with numbers in it (like the ones shown above) so I am sharing it with anyone having a similar scenario. To do this in my custom sorting function, my ItemsSource is set with the value returned from this function:
private object PerformCustomStringSort(List<object> ItemsSource, string columnName, SortingState sortState)
PropertyInfo colNameProp = ItemsSource.First().GetType().GetProperty(columnName);
if (colNameProp == null)
return 0;
var sorted = from i in ItemsSource select i;
MyComparer comparer = new MyComparer();
if (sortState == SortingState.Ascending)
sorted = sorted.OrderBy(item => NumericHelper.ObtainNumber(colNameProp.GetValue(item, null)), comparer);
sorted = sorted.OrderByDescending(item => NumericHelper.ObtainNumber(colNameProp.GetValue(item, null)), comparer);
return sorted.ToList();
Here are the other classes that are used to accomplish this:
public static class NumericHelper
public static bool IsNumeric(object expression)
if (expression == null)
return false;
double testDouble;
if (double.TryParse(expression.ToString(), out testDouble))
return true;
bool testBool;
if (bool.TryParse(expression.ToString(), out testBool))
return true;
return false;
public static object ObtainNumber(object objValue)
char[] arEntireString = Convert.ToString(objValue).ToCharArray();
int iStart = -1;
int iLength = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < arEntireString.Length; i++)
if (NumericHelper.IsNumeric(arEntireString[i]))
if (iStart == -1)
if (i > 0 && arEntireString[i - 1] == '-')
iStart = i - 1;
iLength += 1;
iStart = i;
iLength += 1;
if (iStart > -1)
if (arEntireString[i] == '.') //decimal
iLength += 1;
if (iStart > -1 && iLength > 0)
return (Convert.ToDecimal(Convert.ToString(objValue).Substring(iStart, iLength)));
return objValue;
public class MyComparer : IComparer<Object>
public int Compare(Object valueA, Object valueB)
if (NumericHelper.IsNumeric(valueA) && NumericHelper.IsNumeric(valueB))
return int.Parse(Convert.ToString(valueA)).CompareTo(int.Parse(Convert.ToString(valueB)));
return String.Compare(Convert.ToString(valueA), Convert.ToString(valueB));