I am building a Silverlight RIA business application, and I need to drop
in an AJAX RadEditor (since it's much more functional than the
Silverlight Editor). Everything works except the RadStyleSheetManager
cannot access any resources via WebResource.axd. So I get more or less a
blank page. The style background URI is: http://localhost:52662/WebResource.axd?d=o1d...
and the response is emtpy (HTTP 200). I have wasted dozens of hours
trying to isolate the problem to no avail. Here are the steps to
reproduce the problem:
Please can someone help!!
- (Using VS2008 with Silverlight 3, Silverlight Tools, and RIA Web Services SDK's,) Create a new Silverlight Business Application.
- Right-click on the BusinessApplication.Web project, and click RadControls For ASP.NET AJAX->Convert to RadControls Web Application. Use all default options.
- Right-Click on the BusinessApplication.Web project, and click RadControls For ASP.NET AJAX->Add RadEditor Scenario. Again use all default options.
- Compile and Run, then navigate to the newly created RadEditorWebForm.aspx. This page should show the editor with the missing style resources.
Please can someone help!!