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Pie Chart colors

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wdudek asked on 28 Jun 2010, 07:26 PM
Hi, I based my chart off of the code found at but am having problems in that the colors I get are all the same shade of blue? I don't really care what they are but need some variation, I didn't see this happening anywhere in the example code though?

Here is what I have in the xaml for the chart and then my populating code

<telerik:RadChart x:Name="OrderChart"  d:LayoutOverrides="Width, Height"

C# (this is a demo app where I want the user to be able to select multiple chart styles to decide what they like) The bar charts do ge the multiple colors, the rest do not??

public void ReloadChart() 
            if (OrderChart == null
            OrderChart.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content = "Account Sales"
            SeriesMapping seriesMapping = new SeriesMapping(); 
            string selection = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem)(ChartSelector.SelectedItem)).Content.ToString (); 
            switch (selection) 
                case "Bar"
                    OrderChart.DefaultSeriesDefinition = new BarSeriesDefinition(); 
                case "3D Bar"
                    OrderChart.DefaultSeriesDefinition = new Bar3DSeriesDefinition(); 
                case "Doughnut"
                   OrderChart.DefaultSeriesDefinition = new DoughnutSeriesDefinition(); 
                case "3D Doughnut"
                    OrderChart.DefaultSeriesDefinition = new Doughnut3DSeriesDefinition(); 
                case "Pie"
                    OrderChart.DefaultSeriesDefinition = new  PieSeriesDefinition(); 
                case "3D Pie"
                    OrderChart.DefaultSeriesDefinition = new Pie3DSeriesDefinition(); 
            OrderChart.DefaultSeriesDefinition.ItemLabelFormat = "N0"
            ChartAggregateFunction aggFunct = ChartAggregateFunction.Sum; 
            seriesMapping.GroupingSettings.GroupDescriptors.Add(new ChartGroupDescriptor("AccountNumber")); 
            seriesMapping.GroupingSettings.ShouldCreateSeriesForLastGroup = true
            ItemMapping yMapping = new ItemMapping("OrderQuantity", DataPointMember.YValue, aggFunct); 
            ItemMapping catMapping = new ItemMapping("AccountNumber", DataPointMember.XCategory); 
            OrderChart.ItemsSource = this.DataContext; 

Any suggestions would be great.



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answered on 30 Jun 2010, 11:26 AM
Hello Bill,

Your code shows that you use grouping in RadChart. Note, that when grouping in RadChart you get more than one DataSeries. Actually, it is one DataSeries for each distinct value in the grouping column. Unfortunately, RadChart does not support multiple pie series with a single DataItem in each of them. They are just placed over each other, so it appears there is a single color in the pie.

In order to debug this you can wire the ItemDataBound event and check OrderChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.DataSeries. For pie series you may want not to group the data within the chart, so that there is only one DataSeries.

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answered on 30 Jun 2010, 08:53 PM

   With that I was able to figure it out.
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