I cannot select the number of items shown on each page with mouse clicks.
I can however select the drop down and move the selection via arrow keys.
My code:
Any ideas? :)
I can however select the drop down and move the selection via arrow keys.
My code:
$(document).ready(function () { $("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: { type: "json", transport: { read: { url: '<%= Url.Action("GetDepartmentOffers", "Projects") %>', dataType: "json", type: "POST", data: { departmentId: 1, filter: 'all' } } }, schema: { model: { fields: { status: { type: "string" }, ResponsibleUserName: { type: "string" }, OfferNumber: { type: "string" }, DueDate: { type: "date" }, ContactPhone: { type: "string" }, CompanyName: { type: "string" }, ContactPerson: { type: "string" }, ContactEmail: { type: "string" }, Description: { type: "string" }, SalesPrice: { type: "string" }, Coverage: { type: "string" } } }, total: function () { return 4677; } }, pageSize: 50, serverPaging: false, serverFiltering: false, serverSorting: false }, autoBind: true, groupable: true, sortable: true, reorderable: true, resizable: true, pageable: { messages: { // To be translated display: "kendo.data.DataSource - {1} of {2} items", empty: "No items to display", page: "Page", of: "of kendo.data.DataSource", itemsPerPage: "visninger på hver side.", first: "Gå til første side.", previous: "Gå til forrige side.", next: "Go to the next page", last: "Go to the last page", refresh: "Refresh" }, refresh: true, pageSizes: true, pageSizes: [10, 20, 50, 100] }, columns: [ { field: "status", width: 90, title: '<%= Global.State %>' }, { field: "", width: 90, title: '<%= Global.Actions %>' }, { field: "ResponsibleUserName", width: 100, title: '<%= OffersOverview.ColumnHeaderUser %>' }, { field: "OfferNumber", width: 100, title: '<%= OffersOverview.ColumnHeaderOfferNumber %>' }, { field: "DueDate", width: 100, title: '<%= Global.DueDate %>', format: "{0:" + settings.dateFormat + "}" //format: //"{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" }, { field: "ContactPhone", width: 100, title: '<%= Global.ContactPhone %>' }, { field: "CompanyName", width: 100, title: '<%= Global.Company %>' }, { field: "ContactPerson", width: 100, title: '<%= Global.ContactPerson %>' }, { field: "ContactEmail", width: 100, title: '<%= Global.ContactMail %>' }, { field: "Description", width: 100, title: '<%= Global.Description %>' }, { field: "SalesPrice", width: 100, title: '<%= Global.SalesPrice %>' }, { field: "Coverage", width: 100, title: '<%= Global.Coverage %>' } ] }); });
Any ideas? :)