New design for forum

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Heiko asked on 31 May 2021, 07:14 PM


I haven't been here for a few months and found that the design of the forum has fundamentally changed. Although the new look is modern and fresh, the font size of most elements is very small. The little green tag identifiers in particular are much too small and therefore illegible. I don't need glasses and I have excellent eyesight, but I can't decipher the writing without zooming the whole webpage to at least 125%. Maybe Telerik's Designers can revisit the styles and make font sizes a little bit larger? Would be nice...


Telerik team
commented on 01 Jun 2021, 11:37 AM

Heiko, thank you for your honest feedback. I am happy to see that you find the overall look and feel of our new forums modern.

As for the fonts, I passed your comment to our designers and indeed, we agree that the tags can be too small in certain occasions. However, this is only because the information that needs to be visualized on these pages is a lot. For example, the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Ajax product has more than 100 tags and making them bigger would introduce a really tedious scroll on the page. Still, we will think if we can improve on that and until that happens I would like to ask if there is anything else in the new design that you believe needs enlargement or another change?

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commented on 05 Jun 2021, 08:55 AM

Hallo Kaloyan, and thanks for your reply. In such cases, I usually answer my customers: reduce the amount of information! In case of tags, how useful are more than 100 tags? If you have too much information, you can no longer find the information.
Telerik team
commented on 07 Jun 2021, 06:19 AM

This is a good suggestion indeed. However, in our case, those 100+ tags are all different components in a single product and I am not sure based on what criteria we can decrease the number here. For example, if we leave only the most popular ones, it will be strange for new comers when they don't find the proper tag for the widget they are using. If we try to combine tags, again some people may find it hard to understand where exactly the question should be posted. Given that, we decided to go with a slightly smaller font, that also sticks to the design standards and guidelines instead of dropping tags along the way.

I hope this makes sense. Please, let me know if you have any additional feedback, I will be happy to hear it.

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