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movieflow example

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tim asked on 28 Apr 2011, 12:19 PM
Hi is it possible to provide me with the movieflow example in a visual studio 2010 solution , cause the 2008 version doesn't work after conversion.

Is it also possible to take a screenshot from an uploaded clip as thumbnail to place it in the coverflow , and when i click it the mediaplayer shows up with the respective clip?

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Telerik team
answered on 03 May 2011, 05:02 PM
Hi tim,

I have updated the example for VS 2010 and SL4. This example is very old and we made major changes to RadMediaPlayer so the example needed some tweaks to work. I have attached the updated example to this post.

According to your question I believe the example is showing exactly the same functionality you are asking for. If I have misunderstood your scenario please provide some more info and we will try to help.

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