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MIsalignment of Primary and Secondary Y-Axis

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Ralph asked on 02 Sep 2010, 09:12 PM
Good morning to all

I am having a problem using a second Y Axis where I wish them both to start from zero and be labeled as such. I did this post this as a reply to this message:  but I failed to note that it was answered already. I did attempt to follow the instructions there but to no avail with the chart that I am getting still looking like the attached image...

Note that the tool tip for the line series is showing $0 which is the correct amount for that time point afetr the payment of $178.09 dollars has occurred as seen in the 'Payment Schedule' seen to the right in the picture.
The chart is declared in the XAML as follows:

<telerik:RadChart x:Name="myChart"
                  Margin="0 10 0 10"
    <Grid ShowGridLines="False">
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <telerik:ChartTitle Content="Payments and Balances"
                            telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Windows7" />
        <telerik:ChartArea x:Name="ChartArea1"
                           Padding="2 2 2 2"
                           telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Windows7" />

And populated by code as follows:
Dim barSeries As DataSeries = GetPaymentSeriesForChart()
barSeries.LegendLabel = "Payments"
barSeries.Definition = New BarSeriesDefinition
barSeries.Definition.ShowItemLabels = False
barSeries.Definition.ShowItemToolTips = True
barSeries.Definition.ItemToolTipFormat = "#Y{C0}"
Dim lineSeries As DataSeries = GetBalanceSeriesForChart()
lineSeries.LegendLabel = "Balance"
lineSeries.Definition = New LineSeriesDefinition
lineSeries.Definition.ShowItemLabels = False
lineSeries.Definition.ShowItemToolTips = True
lineSeries.Definition.ItemToolTipFormat = "#Y{C0}"
lineSeries.Definition.AxisName = "Balance"
ChartArea1.AxisX.AutoRange = True
ChartArea1.AxisX.DefaultLabelFormat = "MMM-yy"
ChartArea1.AxisX.LabelRotationAngle = -90
ChartArea1.AxisY.AutoRange = False
ChartArea1.AxisY.DefaultLabelFormat = "#VAL{C0}"
ChartArea1.AxisY.LabelRotationAngle = -30
ChartArea1.AxisY.AddRange(0, _paymentMax, GetYScale(_paymentMax, 5))
ChartArea1.AdditionalYAxes.Add(New AxisY())
ChartArea1.AdditionalYAxes(0).AxisName = "Balance"
ChartArea1.AdditionalYAxes(0).DefaultLabelFormat = "#VAL{C0}"
ChartArea1.AdditionalYAxes(0).LabelRotationAngle = 30
ChartArea1.AdditionalYAxes(0).AutoRange = False
    ChartArea1.AdditionalYAxes(0).AddRange(0, CDbl(txtBxAmntOwing.Text) * 1.1, GetYScale(CDbl(txtBxAmntOwing.Text) * 1.1, 5))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Note that I am trying to have both Y-Axes have $0 as their starting minimum value. It would seem that the values on the chart are correct when checked by showing the tooltips for the datapoints but the additional Y-Axis (on the right) ends up with the wrong values.

Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong would be most appreciated.


Ralph Price

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Telerik team
answered on 06 Sep 2010, 12:18 PM
Hi Ralph,

Please, find my answer in the other forum thread.

Best regards,
the Telerik team
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