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Menu Slide Direction

3 Answers 65 Views
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Robert asked on 18 Oct 2012, 02:48 PM
I have a RadMenu located on the bottom of a screen. Because of screen edge detection, the items in this menu appear above the menu. The first time a top level menu item is opened, the animation that slides out the submenu starts above the menu and slides down. Every subsequent time the top level menu item is opened, the animation starts at the menu and slides up. Is there a way to force the animation to slide up the first time?

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Rosen Vladimirov
Telerik team
answered on 19 Oct 2012, 10:22 AM
Hello Robert,

We are not aware of such bug. I've tried to reproduce the problem, but unfortunately I couldn't. I've prepared a very simple project and a video demonstrating the behavior of the RadMenu. If you check it you'll notice that the animation is starting from the menu.

Maybe something else is causing this behavior - which theme are you using, have you applied any changes on the ControlTemplate of the RadMenu? Which version of our controls are you using? If it's possible modify the project I'm sending you, so it will have the same behavior you have described in your previous mail.

All the best,
Rosen Vladimirov
the Telerik team

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answered on 19 Oct 2012, 01:20 PM
The version of the controls is 2012.2.725.1050. I have a video that shows me reproducing the issue using the sample project you sent me, which I haven't modified at all. I can't attach the file here, do I have to open a support ticket to do that?
Rosen Vladimirov
Telerik team
answered on 19 Oct 2012, 01:31 PM
Hi Robert,

There's no need to open a ticket and attach the video. You are correct - there is a bug in your version of RadControls. It was fixed in the beginning of August so all of our internal and official builds after that (starting from 2012.2 0813) doesn't have it and the behavior of the RadMenu is as in the video from my previous post (I used our Q3 release for it). I suggest you to download our latest official release - 2012.3 1017 and get all of the new features in our RadControls provided with it.

Hopefully this helps.

Kind regards,
Rosen Vladimirov
the Telerik team

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Rosen Vladimirov
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