I'm really getting mad about this... I'm currently developing a SL4 new project and I started to look at memory usage...
I keep the thing simple, I've got a button that open up a UserControl with a dropdown filled via WCF (HTTP
what I got using windbg is the following :
I've tried all in my knowledge to close this .... but with no luck....
Here's what I'm doing :
MainPage :
and in the UtilityInquiry :
What I'm missing? the ~UtilityInquiry is not showed the first time I close the RadWindow, starts from the second but I'm not able to remove the WCF call (or better I think it's left open)
Any suggestion?
I'm really getting mad about this... I'm currently developing a SL4 new project and I started to look at memory usage...
I keep the thing simple, I've got a button that open up a UserControl with a dropdown filled via WCF (HTTP
what I got using windbg is the following :
0:027> !gcroot 073de658 |
Note: Roots found on stacks may be false positives. Run "!help gcroot" for |
more info. |
Scan Thread 5 OSTHread b58 |
Scan Thread 20 OSTHread 5cc |
Scan Thread 21 OSTHread ff4 |
Scan Thread 24 OSTHread 11c4 |
Scan Thread 25 OSTHread 1004 |
DOMAIN(060F6AC8):HANDLE(AsyncPinned):38428fc:Root: 074c0084(System.Threading.OverlappedData)-> |
073ec84c(System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback)-> |
073ea61c(System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs)-> |
073e9e6c(System.Net.Sockets.Socket+StaticConnectAsyncState)-> |
073e9dd8(System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs)-> |
073e93d0(System.ServiceModel.Channels.SocketConnectionInitiator+ConnectAsyncResult)-> |
073e9160(System.ServiceModel.Channels.ConnectionPoolHelper+EstablishConnectionAsyncResult)-> |
073e90fc(System.ServiceModel.Channels.ClientFramingDuplexSessionChannel+OpenAsyncResult)-> |
073e90cc(System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject+OpenAsyncResult)-> |
073e907c(System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject+OpenAsyncResult)-> |
073e8e24(System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel+SendAsyncResult)-> |
073de624(System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1+AsyncOperationContext[[PROJECT.DO.ServiceUtility.IServiceUtility, PROJECT.DO]])-> |
073de5f0(System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback)-> |
073cb83c(PROJECT.DO.ServiceUtility.ServiceUtilityClient)-> |
073de658(PROJECT.DO.ServiceUtility.ServiceUtilityClient+ServiceUtilityClientChannel) |
I've tried all in my knowledge to close this .... but with no luck....
Here's what I'm doing :
MainPage :
private void btnLoadUtility_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) |
{ |
Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadWindow w = new Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadWindow(); |
Utility.UtilityInquiry inquiry = new Utility.UtilityInquiry(); |
w.Content = inquiry; |
w.Height = 800; |
w.Width = 1000; |
w.Closed += new EventHandler<Telerik.Windows.Controls.WindowClosedEventArgs>(w_Closed); |
w.Show(); |
} |
void w_Closed(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.WindowClosedEventArgs e) |
{ |
var window = sender as RadWindow; |
window.Closed-=new EventHandler<WindowClosedEventArgs>(w_Closed); |
if (window.Content is IDisposable) |
((IDisposable)window.Content).Dispose(); |
window.Content = null; |
GC.Collect(); |
GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); |
GC.Collect(); |
} |
and in the UtilityInquiry :
#region Variables |
private ServiceUtilityClient clientUtility; |
#endregion |
#region CTor |
public UtilityInquiry() |
{ |
InitializeComponent(); |
} |
#endregion |
#region Events |
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) |
{ |
clientUtility = ProxyFactory.GetUtilityClient(); |
clientUtility.GetStoreProcedureFromTipoCompleted += new EventHandler<GetStoreProcedureFromTipoCompletedEventArgs>(clientUtility_GetStoreProcedureFromTipoCompleted); |
clientUtility.GetStoreProcedureFromTipoAsync(-1); |
} |
private void clientUtility_GetStoreProcedureFromTipoCompleted(object sender, GetStoreProcedureFromTipoCompletedEventArgs e) |
{ |
if (e.Error == null) |
{ |
cbStoreProcedure.ItemsSource = e.Result; |
} |
else |
{ |
MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message); |
} |
} |
public void Dispose() |
{ |
clientUtility.GetStoreProcedureFromTipoCompleted -= new EventHandler<GetStoreProcedureFromTipoCompletedEventArgs>(clientUtility_GetStoreProcedureFromTipoCompleted); |
clientUtility.CloseAsync(); |
((IDisposable)clientUtility.ChannelFactory).Dispose(); |
clientUtility = null; |
this.Loaded -= new RoutedEventHandler(UserControl_Loaded); |
this.SizeChanged -= new SizeChangedEventHandler(UserControl_SizeChanged); |
cbStoreProcedure.SelectionChanged -= new Telerik.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventHandler(cbStoreProcedure_SelectionChanged); |
btnExport.Click -= new RoutedEventHandler(btnExport_Click); |
cbStoreProcedure.ItemsSource = null; |
spanel.Children.Clear(); |
foreach (UIElement ui in gvContent.Children) |
{ |
if (ui is IDisposable) |
((IDisposable)ui).Dispose(); |
} |
gvContent.Children.Clear(); |
LayoutRoot.Children.Clear(); |
} |
~UtilityInquiry() |
{ |
int t = 0; |
} |
What I'm missing? the ~UtilityInquiry is not showed the first time I close the RadWindow, starts from the second but I'm not able to remove the WCF call (or better I think it's left open)
Any suggestion?