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Maximizing a Chart

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Andrew asked on 09 Oct 2012, 07:07 PM
Is there a way to maximize a chart inside your web browser? (i.e. the chart gets as big as your browser and is on top of everything else so you can only see the chart in the browser) By this i don't mean to always have the chart maximized but to have the ability to turn on and off this maximized state.

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Petar Marchev
Telerik team
answered on 10 Oct 2012, 09:55 AM
Hi Andrew,

I am unsure if I understand your question utterly. The RadChart (being a SL Control) can not be larger than the plugin it resides in. So if the plugin does not take the whole space of the browser, the chart also can't. If you place the chart in the most top container of your app (LayoutRoot of the main window, may be) then it can be possible for the chart to stretch to its fullest. Or perhaps you need to use some popup functionality.

Note that the RadChart is, after all, a Control. So if you can achieve what you are after with any other control then it should not be very different to achieve the same it with RadChart.  

Kind regards,
Petar Marchev
the Telerik team

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Petar Marchev
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