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Looking for a CSS and Graphic Design Consultant

1 Answer 177 Views
Designs, skins, themes
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
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Tree asked on 15 Jun 2006, 03:34 PM
I'm looking for some help in developing my web app.  I need someone or a firm that has expertise in graphic design, CSS/DHTML and Telerik controls.

The job would be to 1) fix some CSS 'bugs' so that the layout works as speced and, 2) propose and implement a unified graphic design for the site and to implement that design using the various Telerik skins/css interfaces.

If you are interested, respond to this message with an URL or some way that I can contact you.

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Tyrus Christiana
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answered on 26 Jun 2006, 05:29 PM

Have you found someone for this yet?
If not, I would take a look at it.

My site (above) is a work in progress, but references several others I've done. I can also direct you to some other unreleased items. I have a new one full of Telerik stuff coming shortly. (My stuff is always last)

I have been using ASP.NET  2.0 since beta and have recently started using Telerik controls. I feel comfortable debugging CSS and have a bachelors in graphic design.
Designs, skins, themes
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Tyrus Christiana
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