The initial issue was numeric labels overlapping along the X-axis. I solved this by taking the chartarea width and fudging an equation to adjust my axis step value.
radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisY.Step = M
ath.Round((_maxvalue / (_width / 35)) + .499999, 0);
This works for most cases, but the problem is when there is a large label on the Y axis, my _width is the size of the chart area and not the actual width of the plot area. Is there a way get the plot area width? Or perhaps a simpler way to stop label stompage?
[-----------------width-------------------------------] <--- width of the chart area
Label 1 | PLOT
Long Label Eating my Plot Area | AREA
[-------------] <--- actual width available for my X axis labels.
Right now I'm looping over the Y axis tick labels to guestimate the width of the Y axis label area.
_maxXAxisLabelLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.TickPoints.Count; i++)
int nLabelLength = radChart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.TickPoints[i].Label.Length;
if (nLabelLength > _maxXAxisLabelLength)
_maxXAxisLabelLength = nLabelLength;
double estPlotAreaWidth = _width - (_maxXAxisLabelLength * 8);