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Hi all,
I'm having an issue with the UI of a project I'm working on. I've set up a logarithmic chart that includes multiple series; two are bars and the other a line.
The issue is that I'm not able to fill in the extra extended space on the top of the chart with the bars I'm presenting. I've read forum after forum but nothing seems to work. I've tried setting AutoRange to false and manually setting MaxValue, MinValue, and Step, but that didn't work either. Below are my current VB.NET settings:
I've even gone as far as calculating the correct LogarithmicBase that would allow me to have a particular maximum value. Obviously, the issue with this is that it changes the scale of each step in an unintuitive format, so the user is confused about the scale ontop of having to understand logarithms ;)
If possible, I'd be happy to simply cut off the last step of the chart, which would take my chart from five to four steps. I'm also curious whether I have to apply these settings to both bar series, or simply edit the DefaultView. Any thoughts?
I'm having an issue with the UI of a project I'm working on. I've set up a logarithmic chart that includes multiple series; two are bars and the other a line.
The issue is that I'm not able to fill in the extra extended space on the top of the chart with the bars I'm presenting. I've read forum after forum but nothing seems to work. I've tried setting AutoRange to false and manually setting MaxValue, MinValue, and Step, but that didn't work either. Below are my current VB.NET settings:
.ChartArea.AxisY.IsLogarithmic =
.ChartArea.AxisY.AutoRange =
.ChartArea.AxisY.ExtendDirection = AxisExtendDirection.None
.ChartArea.AxisY.IsZeroBased =
I've even gone as far as calculating the correct LogarithmicBase that would allow me to have a particular maximum value. Obviously, the issue with this is that it changes the scale of each step in an unintuitive format, so the user is confused about the scale ontop of having to understand logarithms ;)
If possible, I'd be happy to simply cut off the last step of the chart, which would take my chart from five to four steps. I'm also curious whether I have to apply these settings to both bar series, or simply edit the DefaultView. Any thoughts?